Mormon Channel for iPad bug

Any discussions around the Mormon Radio Channel App on various mobile and electronic devices
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Mormon Channel for iPad bug

Post by mirandalola »

My toddler and I have a nightly routine of watching the Bible videos in the Mormon Channel app on my iPad. It's a lovely, relaxing time. But there has been a problem the last few weeks. Two of the more recent videos, "Widow of Nain" and "Be of Good Cheer", don't play in the Mormon Channel native player. If you click directly on one of them, they come up as a tiny YouTube video; if you play one of the videos before either of these problem videos, when the player tries to auto play the next video it just stays black. I have to exit the player and click on one of the normal videos, one that plays in the native player, to resume the autoplay.

I was hoping that this would be fixed eventually, and was patiently waiting, but today my toddler threw a towering tantrum because "Widow of Nain" wouldn't play in the native player, and I decided it was time to notify you software developers that there's a bug here that needs fixing :)

Miranda in East Texas
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Re: Mormon Channel for iPad bug

Post by lajackson »

mirandalola wrote:I was hoping that this would be fixed eventually, and was patiently waiting, but today my toddler threw a towering tantrum because "Widow of Nain" wouldn't play in the native player, and I decided it was time to notify you software developers that there's a bug here that needs fixing :)
Unfortunately, we are not the software developers. Be sure to report this problem using the feedback in the application itself, if there is a way to do that, so that the developers do get the message that this bug needs fixing. If there is not a feedback link in the app, go to and provide feedback there.

I do not use an iPad, but there are some here who do, and they may chime in with a workaround. At this Forum, we are users helping users. If there is a way to deal with the problem before the developers get it fixed, someone here will probably know how to do it, so posting here at the Forum is still a good thing.

It's just that, no matter how much we wish we could, we can't fix things.

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