Digital Clipboard

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Digital Clipboard

Post by knottyalder »

My wife and I developed an online sign-up system to help members of our ward sign up for Church building cleaning. It uses Google Forms and Google Docs. Members can sign-up via a Google Form. There information is stored in a Google Doc. An automated script sends out requests if we don't have enough people signed up and reminders to those who have signed up.

This system has worked extremely well for us, but we've talked about the benefits of such a system that is closely integrated with existing Church technologies. Instead of passing around a clipboard during Priesthood and Relief Society, members would be able to sign-up for cleaning and other opportunities via their phone, tablet, or computer. Since some members, especially those who are older, aren't technologically savvy, a clipboard could still be passed around and the information copied into the system. Additionally, an iPad could be passed around in lieu of a paper clipboard.
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Re: Digital Clipboard

Post by sbradshaw »

Google Forms are really useful for things like this. Automated scripts make it even better!
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.

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