New Quarterly Report for 2014

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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by gbogdan7 »

We have a similar question on adults and youth who submitted ancestor names for temple ordinances. We understand that we don't need to calculate the number. We would like to know, precisely, how the number is calculated so that we can better understand how to improve the number. Our first reaction was the the number is low. Does the number indicate individuals that have reserved names during the quarter only or does the number reflect those that have reserved names and had ordinance work done for any of the names. My guess is that it is for reserving names only.
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by aebrown »

gbogdan7 wrote:We have a similar question on adults and youth who submitted ancestor names for temple ordinances. We understand that we don't need to calculate the number. We would like to know, precisely, how the number is calculated so that we can better understand how to improve the number. Our first reaction was the the number is low. Does the number indicate individuals that have reserved names during the quarter only or does the number reflect those that have reserved names and had ordinance work done for any of the names. My guess is that it is for reserving names only.
It is not the act of reserving a name that counts, but the act of either creating a Family Ordinance Request for a reserved name, or sharing that name with the temple (so that others can do the ordinances).
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by russellhltn »

I received the following via email to FamilySearch consultants:
A submitter is defined as someone 12 years old or older who either prints a Family Ordinance Request (FOR) or shares the ordinance request with the temple. Simply reserving a name in Family Tree is not counted as a temple submission. The submitter rate is calculated by taking the number of submitters 12 years old and older and dividing that number by the total number of ward members 12 years old and older.
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by mendenha »

There is a ward in our stake where the figure on line 9 (Adults and youth who submitted ancestor names for temple ordinances) is reported as 0. The ward clerk there has confirmed that there are several people submitting names - I believe he said he has even performed ordinances for them himself -, but the report still shows 0.

Our thoughts were that there might be some criteria, beyond simply printing/sharing an ordinance request, for having these numbers tracked, but the last post indicates otherwise. Has anyone else been experiencing this issue? Any reasons/solutions found?
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by lajackson »

mendenha wrote:The ward clerk there has confirmed that there are several people submitting names - I believe he said he has even performed ordinances for them himself -, but the report still shows 0.
Is it possible they did not do this during the first quarter? The report covers January 1 through March 31. If they submitted these names in April or May they would not be on the 1st quarter report, but you will have a head start for the 2nd quarter.

Or there may still be a glitch somewhere. Our numbers were very low compared to the activity we thought was taking place, so we are looking, too.
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by russellhltn »

The other question is were the names submitted prior to Jan 1, and it was only the work that was done later?

And who summitted the name? A member in your ward, or did they get the name from a family member living in another ward?
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by drepouille »

scgallafent wrote:We have identified an issue where MLS is not sending the convert detail back to CMIS. The totals for those lines are bring transmitted correctly, but the yes/no detail is not. We will be releasing a patch to MLS on Friday that corrects this. It should send the corrected data automatically for reports that were sent from MLS.
One of the ward clerks in my stake has identified a potential issue. He completed the quarterly report on, but when he opens the report on his MLS, two yes/no columns of data are reversed in the New Convert Detail section:
- Attended sacrament meeting at least once last month?
- If 12 or older, has a calling or responsibility?

Can anyone here confirm this bug?
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by scgallafent »

drepouille wrote:One of the ward clerks in my stake has identified a potential issue. He completed the quarterly report on, but when he opens the report on his MLS, two yes/no columns of data are reversed in the New Convert Detail section:
MLS 3.7.1? When you say "reversed," what do you mean? Wrong values, wrong order?
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by drepouille »

The Yes/No values in the first column are swapped with those of the second column. I have not seen this personally, but the ward clerk says they are reversed in the current version of MLS.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by russellhltn »

So, what you're saying is if they were marked as "Attending/No calling" on line, they show up as "Not attending/has calling" in MLS?
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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