New Quarterly Report for 2014

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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by showseason »

It was great to get to view the new report form online last night. The letter says clerks will need to enter no new information as well. I'll get busy on updating my comparison sheets.
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by aebrown »

showseason wrote:It was great to get to view the new report form online last night. The letter says clerks will need to enter no new information as well. I'll get busy on updating my comparison sheets.
To clarify, there is an official letter dated 1 February 2014 (available to those with access to the Official Communication Library at It includes some clarifications and a sample of the actual new report.
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by russellhltn »

Does the section on converts submitting names to the temple fill in itself? That seems to be a new item, but the letter claims that that a clerk doesn't need to gather additional information. The only way I can see that happening is if data from FamilySearch is automatically sent over.
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by aebrown »

russellhltn wrote:Does the section on converts submitting names to the temple fill in itself? That seems to be a new item, but the letter claims that that a clerk doesn't need to gather additional information. The only way I can see that happening is if data from FamilySearch is automatically sent over.
There's also a new item for all members submitting names to the temple (in addition to the one specific to recent converts). Both of those will require data from FamilySearch, but I'm sure that can be sent over to the appropriate ICS systems; indeed it will have to be sent (or be pulled) to fulfill the promise that clerks don't have to gather new information.
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by scgallafent »

aebrown wrote:
russellhltn wrote:Does the section on converts submitting names to the temple fill in itself? That seems to be a new item, but the letter claims that that a clerk doesn't need to gather additional information. The only way I can see that happening is if data from FamilySearch is automatically sent over.
There's also a new item for all members submitting names to the temple (in addition to the one specific to recent converts). Both of those will require data from FamilySearch, but I'm sure that can be sent over to the appropriate ICS systems; indeed it will have to be sent (or be pulled) to fulfill the promise that clerks don't have to gather new information.
The plan is for that information to be sent from FamilySearch.
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by Deuel »

I also see a new section at the bottom, appearing by itself on the last page, entitled "Convert Detail" asks for the following:
  • Name
  • Sex
  • Age
  • Priesthood
  • Attended sacrament meeting at least once last month
  • If 12 or older, has a calling or responsibility
So, it seems that clerks may actually need to gather and enter new information, especially the last two items. Maybe the sentence, "These additions will not require that clerks gather or enter new information." only refers to sections identified on the first page?
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by eblood66 »

deuel wrote:I also see a new section at the bottom, appearing by itself on the last page, entitled "Convert Detail" asks for the following:
  • Name
  • Sex
  • Age
  • Priesthood
  • Attended sacrament meeting at least once last month
  • If 12 or older, has a calling or responsibility
So, it seems that clerks may actually need to gather and enter new information, especially the last two items. Maybe the sentence, "These additions will not require that clerks gather or enter new information." only refers to sections identified on the first page?
Previously you did have to gather the number of converts (from the last 12 months) who attended sacrament meeting at least once and the number of with a calling. You pretty much have to gather the information on each such convert before you could calculate those numbers. So the statement is only very slightly off. You don't have to gather any new information but you do have to enter a little bit more of what you gathered than before. But difference is so minor that I think the statement is not really inaccurate.
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by russellhltn »

deuel wrote:I also see a new section at the bottom, appearing by itself on the last page, entitled "Convert Detail" asks for the following:
  • Name
  • Sex
  • Age
  • Priesthood
  • Attended sacrament meeting at least once last month
  • If 12 or older, has a calling or responsibility
With the exception of sacrament meeting attendance, MLS should know all of that.
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by mercaderaebsa »

A new letter from the Presiding Bishopric dated February 1 at includes the instructions for the revised Quarterly Report and a sample format.

Hope this helps. :)
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Re: New Quarterly Report for 2014

Post by DennisML »

The first quarterly report is coming due in a very few weeks. Generally the statistics for attendance and such is only reported for the last month in the quarter. I have yet to be able to find information on the youth, adults, and converts who submit names to the temples. Should we be gathering this information for the month of March? Will this information be automatically populated. I find it surprising there is so little "official" information regarding this part of the new form.

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