Mormon Channel In-Vehicle App

Any discussions around the Mormon Radio Channel App on various mobile and electronic devices
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Mormon Channel In-Vehicle App

Post by dustinrwh »

One of the latest emerging technologies is writing apps for cars. GM allows developers to create in-vehicle applications and both Ford and GM allow developers to write mobile apps that work with the car. This is a great opportunity for us to create a Mormon Channel app for vehicles and I think we should do it!

One huge benefit from doing right now is that the GM AppShop is supposed to be coming out at the end of this year. That gives us a chance to have a lot more exposure for the app (and thus the Church) because there will be a lot fewer apps (like when the iPhone first came out). You can use both audio and video in the app (including streaming). It would be nice for people to be able to listen to the scriptures, live radio, music and general conference while driving, without having to use their phones.

As far as technologies used to build apps, GM uses HTML 5 and Javascript so it is pretty straightforward. I've started looking at the SDK and it comes with a nice emulator that lets you test the app in Chrome.

Who do we talk to about making this an official project? Who would be interested in working on this?

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