LDS Church to broadcast priesthood session on TV and online

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Re: LDS Church to broadcast priesthood session on TV and onl

Post by Gary_Miller »

mrrad wrote:We have only rarely been offered refreshments after the Priesthood broadcast but attendance has seemed consistent anyway. I suspect the number of men who'll stay home will be significant this time.
I'm staying home. If I had an Aaronic Priesthood age boy still in my home we would go the the Stake Center so we could make it a night out togeater. We always went for Ice cream after the meeting.
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Re: LDS Church to broadcast priesthood session on TV and onl

Post by lajackson »

Last time (April 1968) was a one-time deal, and then they went back to closed circuit for what will now be 45 years. I wonder if this is a more permanent change, or if there is just some very important topic they want more generally covered.

When I got the URL for the meeting last October, I was also sent a reference to D&C 101:22-23 and reminded that it was important to preserve the commandment to "gather together". I think that is a very valid concept. Of course, getting the water to the end of the row is a very valid concept, as well.
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Re: LDS Church to broadcast priesthood session on TV and onl

Post by lajackson »

Gary_Miller wrote:
mrrad wrote:I suspect the number of men who'll stay home will be significant this time.
I'm staying home. If I had an Aaronic Priesthood age boy still in my home we would go the the Stake Center so we could make it a night out togeater. We always went for Ice cream after the meeting.
I am waiting to see what our stake president says about it. My guess is that he does not even know yet.

I do miss the ice cream after priesthood meeting with my sons (who are no longer at home).
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Re: LDS Church to broadcast priesthood session on TV and onl

Post by Gary_Miller »

lajackson wrote:I was also sent a reference to D&C 101:22-23 and reminded that it was important to preserve the commandment to "gather together". I think that is a very valid concept.
Larry you forgot a very important part of that scripture "Stand in Holy Places" our homes are a holy place, or at least we should be striving for them to be. And with the power of Technology we, the whole world, can be gathered together.
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Re: LDS Church to broadcast priesthood session on TV and onl

Post by Gary_Miller »

lajackson wrote:I am waiting to see what our stake president says about it. My guess is that he does not even know yet.
It will be interesting to see if its even discussed this coming Sunday especially in areas out side of Utah where the announcement was not on the local news channel. If you don't follow the news feed on you may not even know it going to be available.
lajackson wrote:I do miss the ice cream after priesthood meeting with my sons (who are no longer at home).
I'll just sit and have Ice Cream with my eternal companion instead, and we won't have to wait until after the meeting:).
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Re: LDS Church to broadcast priesthood session on TV and onl

Post by lajackson »

Gary_Miller wrote:If you don't follow the news feed on you may not even know it going to be available.
I have tried and cannot find it anywhere at I learned about it at another email list to which I belong, and then here at the Forum. After seeing it at the email list, I tagged the Deseret News and the Salt Lake Tribune and found the story there. So from a very technical standpoint, this is still an unofficial rumor for me (which I fully believe to be true). I subscribe to the news feed and did not receive it that way. (The feed is also down right now.)

But, knowing this was not really the first time the meeting was publicly broadcast, I then researched the Conference Reports to refresh my memory on the first occasion. I attended the priesthood meeting with my father (and yes, ice cream afterward), but it was so long ago I had managed to forget what actually happened. It was not as I recalled. But it was still good enough that I remembered something important happened.
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Re: LDS Church to broadcast priesthood session on TV and onl

Post by lajackson »

Gary_Miller wrote:
lajackson wrote:I was also sent a reference to D&C 101:22-23 . . .
Larry you forgot a very important part of that scripture "Stand in Holy Places" our homes are a holy place, or at least we should be striving for them to be. And with the power of Technology we, the whole world, can be gathered together.
Oh, I didn't forget. I looked it up when I was given the reference and thought how interesting it was that they had used that scripture that way. They also used the phrase, "and in other locations", referring other scriptures that spoke of gathering together.

And while I agree with you, still there is great power when a group of priesthood holders are gathered together to be taught by the Spirit. This change, whether temporary again or permanent, will be fun to watch.
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Re: LDS Church to broadcast priesthood session on TV and onl

Post by Gary_Miller »

lajackson wrote: still there is great power when a group of priesthood holders are gathered together to be taught by the Spirit.
You must of been talking to my wife as that was the exact same-thing she said last night when I told her about the change. :cool:
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Re: LDS Church to broadcast priesthood session on TV and onl

Post by Gary_Miller »

lajackson wrote:I have tried and cannot find it anywhere at
Its buried in this articular posted yesterday in the News Room. Second to last paragraph.

Thousands to Attend 183rd Semiannual General Conference ... conference

If I had not seen it on the tech site I would not have even known.
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Re: LDS Church to broadcast priesthood session on TV and onl

Post by lajackson »

Gary_Miller wrote:
lajackson wrote:I have tried and cannot find it anywhere at
Its buried in this articular posted yesterday in the News Room.
Yes. I did not see that article when I looked yesterday or early this morning, but it is there now. I would prefer to blame my browser cache than my old age, of course. [grin]

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