Patriarchal Blessing Form Template??

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Patriarchal Blessing Form Template??


Post by srweight »

Does anyone have a Word template for use with the Patriarchal Blessing Form? or Does anyone know how to create one that a patriarch can use who knows little about computers and Word.

My fear is that he will nuke the one that I setup and not be able to use it. (I will create a back up and leave it where he can't wipe it out).

I would like one that lets him create a document using a template that he then can enter the info on and have it print on the form with the correct layout for the form. I have wondered about using Excel for the input of form info, then creating a merged document and then entering the rest of blessing.

Any help or ideas or How-to would be great.

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Post by russellhltn »

Unfortunately, this form is a controlled form. Not even clerks can order it. I assume it's controlled for a reason and probably shouldn't be posted in public or distributed - even as a template. CHQ should be able to supply everything the patriarch needs.

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