"The Presiding Bishopric has approved the use of wireless microphones in LDS stake centers. New and retrofitted sound systems being installed will begin to have one portable UHF wireless microphone system provided with the sound system. This one microphone is provided and cared for by the FM group.
Additional wireless microphones are available for purchase by the stake through Distribution Services. The wireless microphones distributed by Church headquarters are the only ones officially supported."
Our stake president has requested that we purchase 2 new wireless microphone for the stake center (1 is a replacement). According to the bolded portions of the quoted section above, we should be able to get one from the FM group and also purchase one from Distribution Services.
Well, our sound system was replaced only a couple years ago, but the wireless mic we have is not "cared for" by the FM group. And my initial queries lead me to believe that they are unaware of this policy, which is not the first time there has been something out of synch between what we read on the wiki/lds.org, and what the FM group is told through their channels.
(1) I have searched through the online Distribution Services in the unit section attempting to find the elusive "officially supported" wireless microphone. Has anyone else had luck identifying these? Or will I have to -- gasp -- actually use the phone?
In the absence of the availability of said officially supported devices, I will likely take the path of asking for forgiveness later.

(2) In terms of quality, one of the problems we have with the current wireless mic is that it works fine in the cultural hall but gets terrible feedback/interference/noise in the chapel. Which, of course, is where the visiting authorities use it. As we look for a new one, has anyone out there been pleased with their wireless mic? (And yes, we've changed the battery...) I have found a few suggested models in the history of the above wiki page, but am looking for some empirical data.
We have just received notice of a visiting general auxiliary member who has requested 2 wireless mics for a fireside. This is our 3rd event in the last 12 months with a visiting authority, and they have all requested 2 wireless mics. So... I'm rather eager to get this taken care of.
Any support and advice is welcome.