Email Policy

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Email Policy


Post by dmmackay »

I am trying to track down an email policy. I assume the church has one and gives it to those they issue email accounts to, is it available to see?

As the District Technology Specialist I have been concerned over some lack of understanding by the general membership. I have created a point form policy that sits next to the clerk computers so there is appropriate use based on the church policy as well as some more restrictions placed by our District Presidency. But to my knowledge only the Bishop/Branch President and Stake/District Presidents are officially given an email from the church. We all use email regularly to communicate and I am a little concerned that some leaders may not have read any policy on how and what should/can be sent with email. I know there are generic policies that I can use, but if the church has one, it would be nice to follow the official guidelines.

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Post by russellhltn »

dmmackay wrote:But to my knowledge only the Bishop/Branch President and Stake/District Presidents are officially given an email from the church.
I know a councilor in the stake presidency has one, as does the FHC director and I think the Institute staff. I've never seen a policy, but that doesn't mean there isn't one.

I know there's a policy about email lists (like Yahoo Groups), but that doesn't seem to be what you're looking for.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Post by aebrown »

RussellHltn wrote:I know a councilor in the stake presidency has one, as does the FHC director
I've never seen a counselor in the stake presidency with an official email address. The address for the stake looks like for a stake with unit number 2224445. That's pretty clearly just one per stake, so I don't see how a counselor would have one.

Each FHC has an email as well, which is tied to the FHC itself, not to the director as a person. For the FHC that our stake participates in, the email address is a form of the FHC's name (not its unit number). The FHC director is the one who would use that account, but when the director changes, access to the account is passed on to the new director, who would presumably change the password.
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Post by russellhltn »

Alan_Brown wrote:I've never seen a counselor in the stake presidency with an official email address.
Not even one that works at the LDS Employment Center? :D:o

Sorry, I assumed he had one for the wrong reason. I guess I should broaden it to say that all church employees have a church email.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Post by jonesrk »

RussellHltn wrote:
Alan_Brown wrote:I've never seen a counselor in the stake presidency with an official email address.
Not even one that works at the LDS Employment Center? :D:o

Sorry, I assumed he had one for the wrong reason. I guess I should broaden it to say that all church employees have a church email.
But the Headquarters employees at least don't have email addresses.
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Post by jonesrk »

But this seems to be getting off the original question. It seems to me that the original question is
dmmackay wrote:We all use email regularly to communicate and I am a little concerned that some leaders may not have read any policy on how and what should/can be sent with email. I know there are generic policies that I can use, but if the church has one, it would be nice to follow the official guidelines.
emphasis added.
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Post by dmmackay »

Lol. Well, with all these different individuals getting email accounts, they must have a policy somewhere. Now just to find a copy of it, and find out if they mind us distributing it locally.
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Post by aebrown »

dmmackay wrote:I am trying to track down an email policy. I assume the church has one and gives it to those they issue email accounts to, is it available to see?
The Usage Guidelines are indeed available for anyone to see. These guidelines provide some helpful principles, although they are clearly oriented towards Church employees and other representatives, so much of what you find there doesn't directly apply to local leaders and members.

But the Access Security paragraph is clearly a good reminder: "Authorized users are responsible to maintain the security of electronic messages and accounts. Access must be secured by an appropriate password or PIN that meets minimum security standards."
dmmackay wrote:We all use email regularly to communicate and I am a little concerned that some leaders may not have read any policy on how and what should/can be sent with email. I know there are generic policies that I can use, but if the church has one, it would be nice to follow the official guidelines.
I don't know of any official policy that applies to what local leaders do with email. But it would be good to review pages 150-151 of the 2006 CHI, which explains details such as securing electronic data with a password. What you will find there is certainly general enough that some local interpretation will be necessary for specific circumstances, but it will provide a helpful framework for the leadership to discuss their local policy.
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Post by dmmackay »

That is perfect. As you mentioned, it doesn't directly apply, but it gives us a base to structure our own policy to distribute. I will take to our next meeting and work it out.

Thank you very much,
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Post by lajackson »

I would point out another statement on the login page for the Church e-mail system.
Do not use e-mail to communicate confidential or sensitive information.

E-mail is neither private nor secure. Yes, we use logins and passwords, and yes, on occasion I do send some information via e-mail that may cause a little grief if it becomes public.

But, I have generally followed a rule I heard in the early days of the electronic frontier:
Do not e-mail anything you would not like to see on a billboard on the way to work in the morning.
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