Volunteer Translation Opportunity

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Post by jdfoote »

Maya wrote:Anything Finnish ask me. :)
I am at the moment unable to get to LDS account stuff as I don't recieve any e-mails for some reason ... anyway I am interested in translating videos ... been doing YouTubes on LDSML, mormonmesages aso ... Also translating FAIR wikipedia ... :)
Thanks, Maya! It sounds like you are doing some great work already! I will definitely be in contact to figure out how we can work together. :)
The problem is that I can't find an "add English to Italian" field.
I set up Italian as "preferred language" and English and French as other languages.
When I fill my profile I found "Native language" (Italian) and "Language that you want translate INTO" (Italian again).
I expected to read "FROM" instead of "INTO".
Have I misunderstood something or what?
Mariano - it sounds like you are talking about the application form (https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/lingo ... c6MQ#gid=0). Instead of going to that page, you should go to http://simpleacts.lds.org.

Unfortunately, the process is a little bit complicated, but from there you should:

  1. Add the translation activity, then open the translation activity.
  2. At the top of the page that opens, it will say something like "It seems you do not have any language pairs defined. Before translating, please go to your profile page and add a language pair."
  3. Click the "profile page" link, and add English to Italian as a language pair.
  4. Click the "Home" link at the top left.
  5. You should now see some Italian jobs under "Community Jobs".
  6. Click the name of the job to start translating.
These instructions, together with some screenshots, are at https://sites.google.com/site/ldscommun ... ng-started

Please let me know if you have questions.

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Post by marianomarini »

No. It's exactly simpleacts.
In my profile I can't see "language pair" nor I have seen the message about his lack.
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Post by jdfoote »

marianomarini_vi wrote:No. It's exactly simpleacts.
In my profile I can't see "language pair" nor I have seen the message about his lack.

Thanks for your patience and persistence. I decided that it would be easier to just take screenshots of the process.

Basically, there are 2 profiles - one in Simple Acts, and one within the Translation activity (we are planning on merging them in the future). You will need to add the language pair in the Translation activity profile.

1. Add the translation activityImage


2. Go to your workspace, and start the translation activity.


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Post by jdfoote »

3. On this next page, choose to view your profile.


4. On the profile page, you can add language pairs.


After that, click the "Home" link, and you should be able to see Italian jobs.

Hopefully this helps!

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Post by MayaML »

Does anyone know if the BoM is beeing translated in to a Burma (ean) language called Karen? I have some Burmean freinds who have already translated a bit of it. Would be nice to get them work together on the BoM!
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Post by MayaML »

I finally got into my LDS account with correct name and password ... but I cant get in simple acts...:o
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Post by techgy »

Maya wrote:I finally got into my LDS account with correct name and password ... but I cant get in simple acts...:o
Can you be more specific? What error message are getting?
Have you read the Code of Conduct?
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Post by russellhltn »

Maya wrote:I finally got into my LDS account with correct name and password ... but I cant get in simple acts...:o
It may take a little time for changes in the LDS Account to sync to all the different sites. Does it work now?
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Post by MayaML »

RussellHltn wrote:It may take a little time for changes in the LDS Account to sync to all the different sites. Does it work now?
Nope... tells me that I have incorrect information... even though I am already on my LDS account... :confused: I did try without logging on the account first... same thing happened.
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Post by marianomarini »

jdfoote wrote:Mariano,

It's exactly at this point (after clicking "Start") that I get the error page!
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Life is a endless lesson of humility (Anonimous).

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