Three bugs (?) with the membership directory
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:26 am
I see three issues with the membership directory *when printed* (as opposed to viewed):
1. The date continuously shows up as Jan 3, 2010.
2. It chops the surname of a sister who does not share her husband's last name (i.e., if Peter Paul is married to Molly May, it displays them as "Paul, Peter and Molly" -- I think it would technically be more correct to display them as "Paul, Peter and Molly May".)
3. It lists non-member spouses on the directory. That seems to be a direct shift in practice/policy.
I like the new site, overall. Nice and it loads fast.
1. The date continuously shows up as Jan 3, 2010.
2. It chops the surname of a sister who does not share her husband's last name (i.e., if Peter Paul is married to Molly May, it displays them as "Paul, Peter and Molly" -- I think it would technically be more correct to display them as "Paul, Peter and Molly May".)
3. It lists non-member spouses on the directory. That seems to be a direct shift in practice/policy.
I like the new site, overall. Nice and it loads fast.