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FCC shutting down some wireless mics
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:24 am
by russellhltn
All operations of wireless microphones (and similar devices certified as “low power auxiliary stations”) operating in frequencies between 698 and 806 MHz (the 700 MHz Band) must cease no later than June 12, 2010
FCC Link
There are many wireless mics that do not use this frequency band. However, if your unit does use wireless mics, now would be a good time to confirm what frequency they operate on.
Assistive listening or translation devices provided by the church, made by Comtek or Williams Sound should be fine as they operate in the 72-76 MHz band.
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:53 am
by danpass
You meant
assistive rather than
assertive, right?
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:02 am
by russellhltn
I'm sure some of those guys can be rather assertive.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:55 am
by nathanhowe
This is one where the Church should really send a memo to all units. A stake could really get in trouble for using these frequencies after the June deadline.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:10 pm
by StevePoulsen
NateHowe wrote:This is one where the Church should really send a memo to all units. A stake could really get in trouble for using these frequencies after the June deadline.
I don't think they will, until the bishopric approved wireless mics earlier this year, wireless mics were not supposed to be used in Church meeting houses, and so the natural thought would be that there were none to send a memo about.
On the upside, there are now approved wireless mics that can be ordered through the church, and are supported by CHQ.
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:10 pm
by JamesAnderson
In the US, we could still see some future issues regarding wireless mics, as the FCC just approved a 'white spaces' order which would allow extensive use of the blank spaces between television station channels for wireless use, including wi-fi Internet.
One of the remaining issues that was not addressed in the order was what frequencies would be set aside for wireless microphones, or other wireless devices, or other arrangements via the rules, so that they would not interfere with other uses of the spectrum, and given that TV stations take up any given piece of bandwidth depending on your location, how to do such things as switch between frequencies where one is used by a TV station, low power TV stations (those with -LD, -CD, -LP, or -CA calls) or translators rebroadcasting another station (calls are like W22AA), and a few other strays.
So we still may see some issues with microphones having to move to yet another piece of spectrum, or multiple areas, and not always the same areas from market to market in the US, and that may take as much as a year according to some observers for a framework to be completely worked out on this matter.