
Any discussions around the Gospel Library App on various mobile and electronic devices.
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Post by chellaiko »

I'm trying to add talks and quotes to a collection but I cannot find an 'add' option anywhere. Collections are found under the 'library' button. Then in menu I can create a custom collection. I can name it, edit the name and delete it but there is no option to add materials. Any thoughts?
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Re: Collections


Post by sbradshaw »

Custom collections created in the library section can hold books/publications, like the Book of Mormon, or a specific General Conference. To add a publication to a custom collection, find the book in the library and long-press it, then choose "Add to…" and choose which collection to add it to. However, custom collections can't contain individual talks or paragraphs from a talk – they can only include full publications.

For your use case, you could try a notebook. On the Home screen of Gospel Library, scroll down to the Study Tools card. The Study Tools card has three buttons: Annotations, Tags, and Notebooks. Tap Notebooks, then tap the button to create a new notebook (name it "Favorite talks" or something similar). After creating the notebook, navigate to a general conference talk, then select some text. Tap "Add to," and choose your notebook. If you want to add a whole talk, you can select the title of the talk and choose "Add to" on that. You can select any text in the scriptures or in a talk while you're study, and add it to your notebook.

If you go back to the Study Tools section of Home, you can open your notebook and see all of the snippets you've added.

If you expect you'll use notebooks frequently and want to get to it more easily, you can tap the "Edit Home" button at the bottom of the screen, then drag to reorder the sections (for example, move "Study Tools" up to the top of Home).
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Collections


Post by chellaiko »

Thank you Samuel! Your answer was very helpful!
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