Out-of-Unit Member Records

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Out-of-Unit Member Records


Post by tbarnes120 »

I work in the mission office for the Church Headquarters Mission. Our FT missionaries are assigned to local inner-city wards. These wards add the missionaries as out-of-unit members so they can see, and be seen, by local membership. These wards are able to add OOU members, but they don't know how to remove the missionaries once they are released from their missions and return to their homes. What are the procedures to remove an OOU member from ward records? I need to communicate that to the wards.
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Re: Out-of-Unit Member Records


Post by russellhltn »

I'm sure someone will chime in with the exact procedure, but I find it odd they're doing that. I thought the mission office would assign the missionaries to a ward and that would create visibility under "Missionary" as well as provide the missionaries access to ward information (not all, but at least the same as other regular members).
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Out-of-Unit Member Records


Post by Biggles »

russellhltn wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 2:22 pm I'm sure someone will chime in with the exact procedure, but I find it odd they're doing that. I thought the mission office would assign the missionaries to a ward and that would create visibility under "Missionary" as well as provide the missionaries access to ward information (not all, but at least the same as other regular members).
That appears to be the normal procedure for young missionaries, but I’ve found that Senior Missionary couples aren’t assigned to a ward, whilst living within our ward boundaries. I add them as OOU members, so they have access to the Ward directory etc. When they leave our boundary, their OOU details are removed (Bin symbol against their names) by going to the same tab that was used to bring them in to the ward.

I hope that what I’ve posted makes sense.
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Re: Out-of-Unit Member Records


Post by jdlessley »

To remove out-of-unit records: LCR > Membership > Manage Out-of-Unit Members and either do a search for the member by name or MRN, or scroll down the page to locate the member name in the Existing Out-of-Unit Members list, and click the delete icon (trash can icon) to remove the record.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the ChurchofJesusChrist.org Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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