auto highlight

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auto highlight


Post by debieadams »

I have searched and cannot find the answer to this question. When I go into the website I have the words: "of" and "christ" always highlighted. I have not highlighted them but they always come up with the highlight. When I'm preparing to copy a talk or quote for my seminary students this highlight gets in the way of me being able to copy and paste as it brings the highlighted words in highlighted. How do I find where there is a setting that has them highlighted and how do I remove this?
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Re: auto highlight


Post by jdlessley »

Try using incognito/private mode and see if the problem persists. If it does not, then clear the browser cache and cookies. This could be the known cookie build up issue that causes random issues
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: auto highlight


Post by sbradshaw »

Where are "of" and "Christ" highlighted? Is it in general conference talk content? Or at the top of the page where it says the name of the Church? If you're able to take a screenshot that shows the highlights, it might help us to understand what you're describing.

Also, which browser are you using (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.)? Are you on a phone, tablet, or computer?
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: auto highlight


Post by russellhltn »

Having a highlight is normal after doing a search. So if you go to the main page and search for "of Christ", and pick a result, you'll see it highlighted.

What I find interesting is there's nothing in the URL I can see that causes the highlighting. And it does persist if you click though to other pages. Something is setting/clearing highlighting instructions but it's not obvious to me where that's happening.

If you were to do the same search in the forum, the resulting URLs would either have "&keywords=of+christ" or "&hilit=of+christ" in the URL

Perhaps this is yet another manifestation of cookie buildup and the breaking point hit during a search.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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