Alternative way to add sacrament meeting hymns (music calling)

Discussions around the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch versions of the Gospel Library application.
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Alternative way to add sacrament meeting hymns (music calling)


Post by Jilka »

I'm the Ward Music Coordinator and I am the one to add the sacrament meeting hymns to Gospel Library. However, I can't add the hymns from "Hymns from Home and Church" because my iOS isn't compatible with the newer version of Gospel Library that includes those new hymns. Is there another way to do it? I downloaded Gospel Library for Windows, but it seems that it doesn't have that feature.
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Re: Alternative way to add sacrament meeting hymns (music calling)


Post by sbradshaw »

No, unfortunately, if you don't have an iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Android, or Chromebook device that can run Gospel Library 6.8.0 or newer, you won't be able to add the hymns from Hymns—For Home and Church yourself. Your best option may be to send the list of hymns to the ward accompanist, a ward music leader, a bishopric member, or a clerk who can enter them in.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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