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Store - Women’s garment page not working
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2024 4:39 am
by gheddy
I signed it. To buy new garments but after clicking tge “Women’s Garments” button, I keep getting an error message telling me sign in to see it.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you,
Greta Heddy
Re: Store - Women’s garment page not working
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2024 2:33 pm
by jdlessley
The online store is set up to require a sign in even if you have signed into the Church website and clicked a link to go to the online store. The store recognizes your sign in but when the first item is added to the cart, or the button clicked to add it, the system requires your log in again. I called support about that just a couple of hours ago. They really did not understand the issue and told me that the system has always required a sign in. I explained again that the system recognized my single sign on from the Church main web page and recognized my sign on because I was using unit leader access to order. But during the process of adding the first item to the cart I had to sign in again. And around and around we went.
So yes, the online store will require a second sign on when your first item is added to the cart.