NEW Public Ward Websites!

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Re: NEW Public Ward Websites!


Post by russellhltn »

jbowne wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 12:47 pm :) I don't have that link because it defaults to my home ward, of which I don't have a calling as I serve out of unit in the YSA bishopric (which is under another stake). Soo.. how do I change the ward that the 'My Home' landing page goes to? If there is a way I can swap that to the ward I am actually serving in, it would be interesting to see if the website link shows up.
If you study the link, it follows a fairly predictable pattern.

Or, you could do a google search for the name of the ward and add "" (without the quotes) to the search.

Since you're a leader in the ward, I'd check LCR to see if you can get additional information. It might have to be enabled there before it's actually created.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: NEW Public Ward Websites!


Post by joeneuman »

A few new items I have learned.

1. All of these website have been optimized for search engines. So if you search for "LDS St George, Utah 17th ward" you would find my wards page.
2. Whoever is set up as Administrators in your ward calendar is also an Administrator for the Ward Webpage.
3. The RSVP feature is not emailed to anyone. It can only be scene by going to the bottom of the event listing on the calendar.
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Re: NEW Public Ward Websites!


Post by jbowne »

russellhltn wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 1:00 pm
jbowne wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 12:47 pm :) I don't have that link because it defaults to my home ward, of which I don't have a calling as I serve out of unit in the YSA bishopric (which is under another stake). Soo.. how do I change the ward that the 'My Home' landing page goes to? If there is a way I can swap that to the ward I am actually serving in, it would be interesting to see if the website link shows up.
If you study the link, it follows a fairly predictable pattern.

Or, you could do a google search for the name of the ward and add "" (without the quotes) to the search.

Since you're a leader in the ward, I'd check LCR to see if you can get additional information. It might have to be enabled there before it's actually created.
I have done just that. Looked in lcr, got the name of the ward, went to the url of a writing ward webpage and replaced the ward name with ours and no luck.

I think it has not been enabled, so hoping my request to enable it is approved and it is turned on.
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Re: NEW Public Ward Websites!


Post by stuartedgington »

:!: Love this feature! Been waiting for something like this for a while.

Some ideas for future updates:

1. Custom/Short URLs – It’d be great to have URLs like for easier sharing.

2. Calendar Sync with Gospel Living App – Would be awesome to integrate the calendar with the app! My SA ward’s been testing it for messaging, and it’s useful as an alternative to third-party texting. Ideally, I’d love for the messaging feature (Circles) in the Gospel Living app to just be part of Member Tools for easier access, but my suggestion would be the same either way. If calendar events and activities could sync with Circles or any built-in group messaging (outside email), that would make ward-wide communication seamless.

3. Separate Calendars for Activity Types – While age groups are covered, it’d be helpful to organize by activity type, like a dedicated calendar for mid-week events. Especially in an SA ward, mid-week activities can really crowd the calendar.

4. Smart Date/Time Setting – On desktop, it would be nice if entering the start date/time could automatically suggest an end date/time in the future. Right now, I have to enter all end details manually (even AM/PM), which feels tedious. A little smart auto-adjusting based on the start info would go a long way!

:D Also, I didn’t know we could customize the Unit Description, Welcome Message, and even add video—super helpful. One minor thing: the meeting times default to "Gospel Study" for the second hour, which is solid, but maybe an option to show Elders Quorum or Relief Society on alternating weeks would be useful? And maybe even contact info for EQ/RS presidents (if we’re not getting too far in the weeds).

One thing I love—if anyone’s tried sharing a link to a public event via iOS messaging, it looks fantastic! When I shared a public event with someone I minister to, the link showed up beautifully in the text thread with the photos I chose. Big win on the photo customization; it makes a real difference.

Just some ideas!
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Re: NEW Public Ward Websites!


Post by russellhltn »

stuartedgington wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 11:20 am One minor thing: the meeting times default to "Gospel Study" for the second hour, which is solid, but maybe an option to show Elders Quorum or Relief Society on alternating weeks would be useful?
Keep in mind the primary target for this is the general public who has no idea what "Elders Quorum" or "Relief Society" is.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: NEW Public Ward Websites!


Post by jdlessley »

stuartedgington wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 11:20 am Some ideas for future updates:
The Tech Forum is user-to-user discussion an collaborative self help. Just to set the expectations at the proper level, we can discuss these things but that is it. The chance of a decision maker, or anyone involved in the program, to see this discussion is quite low. The best method to get ideas before the decision makers is to use the in-app feedback for mobile apps and the feedback link found at the bottom of most Church web pages for online web based applications.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: NEW Public Ward Websites!


Post by joeneuman »

jdlessley wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 1:49 pm
stuartedgington wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 11:20 am Some ideas for future updates:
The Tech Forum is user-to-user discussion an collaborative self help. Just to set the expectations at the proper level, we can discuss these things but that is it. The chance of a decision maker, or anyone involved in the program, to see this discussion is quite low. The best method to get ideas before the decision makers is to use the in-app feedback for mobile apps and the feedback link found at the bottom of most Church web pages for online web based applications.
It's very sad that this group of very willing and intelligent member is so under utilized.
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Re: NEW Public Ward Websites!


Post by BrianEdwards »

joeneuman wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 2:32 pmIt's very sad that this group of very willing and intelligent member is so under utilized.
I'm actually grateful that the Church allows for a vigorous, and fairly open, user community Forum for Tech-related issues. We can disagree (or perhaps agree) with how the Church has organized their official Tech Support and Product Development efforts, but we're all completely on the outside of any of their decision-making process. As clerks, org presidencies, or just random members, it's nice to have a place where we can get a more immediate interaction, find workarounds as well as solutions, and also hopefully help others with our own experiences.
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Re: NEW Public Ward Websites!


Post by kristaanncook »

It's really nice to see the new "Activity Sharing" feature, and I'm wholly on board with its possibilities.

However, I think the real battle is getting local unit and stake leaders to fully and completely implement all the digital calendaring tools, many that have existed for some time. I became a Ward Website Administrator in 2007 and have carefully followed the development of these tools over the years. I've served in this position in many different units. Well, I should say I have TRIED to serve in this position in many different units. I've largely failed. I've not been able to get the stakes to do some very basic things, nor have I had any luck in training local unit leaders or getting them to support me in any significant way.

In 2022 and updated in 2023, I wrote a comprehensive series on the calendaring tools which is still relevant. Church guidance details how the tools are manipulated but does not address best practices or implementation, which I cover. See: ... -nots.html (Note: My blog is NOT monetized.)

Many problems in units could be solved if the tools were implemented and used properly. The most basic things stakes/units haven't done yet are the following:

1. Called and enabled a Building Scheduler. Building-only events could then be removed from stake/ward/branch websites including building cleaning and private events that involve only a few.
2. Customized the locations and rooms feature. If every room in a meetinghouse were able to be scheduled, building scheduling would be simplified and streamlined. The default list only includes the rooms that every meetinghouse shares. This list is horribly inadequate and most stakes/units are still stumbling along with it still.
3. Get meetings, especially leadership meetings, off of the public calendars and onto the private calendars feature. Ordinary members shouldn't have to read about Ward Council or High Councilman meetings. Only people they affect should have to see them on their calendars.
4. Use an abbreviation/acronym before each ward event to identify which unit the event belongs to.
5. Put all the details for events online. Brief descriptions with a handful of words and a bunch of abbreviations and acronyms are a holdover from the paper system when we had limited space.

All of this is covered in the instructions on the Help Center but few actually read it, they wing it instead. If the Church's guidelines were followed, people wouldn't be assaulted with a bunch of events that don't apply to them and have no relevance to them, cluttering up the calendars and making it difficult to figure out what is going on.

Okay, I'm off of my soapbox.
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Re: NEW Public Ward Websites!


Post by joeneuman »

BrianEdwards wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 3:09 pm
joeneuman wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 2:32 pmIt's very sad that this group of very willing and intelligent member is so under utilized.
I'm actually grateful that the Church allows for a vigorous, and fairly open, user community Forum for Tech-related issues. We can disagree (or perhaps agree) with how the Church has organized their official Tech Support and Product Development efforts, but we're all completely on the outside of any of their decision-making process. As clerks, org presidencies, or just random members, it's nice to have a place where we can get a more immediate interaction, find workarounds as well as solutions, and also hopefully help others with our own experiences.
No doubt, it doesn't change the fact that it is underutilized.
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