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Wards not in Stake but in our buildings cannot see calendars
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2024 11:14 pm
by rbailey
At two different meetinghouses assigned to our stake, I have wards from different stakes that meet in the buildings. I can see they are assigned to the buildings in the maps section of the website but when I go into the calendar, they are not assigned to our buildings and so cannot see the calendar. I also could not figure out how to add them. The calendaring system confuses me anyway (I just realized while investigating I've been scheduling things on the location calendar for a year and that's why no one can see them so I obviously have issues) so I could really use assistance on fixing this.
Re: Wards not in Stake but in our buildings cannot see calendars
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:47 am
by russellhltn
FM manages the database that matches wards to buildings.
You can add other units to the buildings. But to do that, you must be a stake calendar administrator, such as a stake clerk.
On the calendar website: Gear icon > Location and Rooms > Click "Edit" next to the building in question > scroll down to "Units Who Can Schedule but Do Not Meet Here for Church". At the bottom is "Add other units".
In the middle on the same page is "Units Who Can Schedule and Meet Here for Church". That shows you what units FM has assigned to meet in the location.
Note that even when the location is shared, only the Locations calendar is shared so they can see when the facility is in use and when it's available. None of the Ward or Stake calendars are shared. But the shared location calendar is all that's needed for the system to block conflicting events.
As for understanding the system, the main purpose is to communicate to the members upcoming activities. It also blocks off use of the building, but that's secondary. You want the two functions linked so when events are moved, the scheduling of the building is moved with it. Each unit should be scheduling their own activities. The idea of everything going though a single building scheduler was something done back when it was done on paper. Today, the Building Scheduler is more like a referee or supervisor. They no longer handle the day-to-day changes.
Re: Wards not in Stake but in our buildings cannot see calendars
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 6:33 am
by rbailey
I need an FIR to get them added to our location then, got it. Thank you very much for your assistance.