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Can I get married outside the Temple?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:19 pm
by MoiraLeGrand
I do not plan on getting married for a long time yet, and I am not currently in a relationship l, but this question has been bothering me a while.
My parents have always stressed the importance of having a wedding in the Temple, and I can sort of see why, but I've always dreamed of getting married on a beautiful beach at sunset. When I bring up the topic with people, they always act like getting married anywhere other than the Temple is some kind of taboo. It's kinda like they're trying to peer pressure me into getting married in the Temple, and if I don't, I'd be committing some heinous crime.
The ridiculous part is my parents weren't even married or sealed in the Temple, they just had a court marriage.
So can I get married outside the Temple, and still be sealed to my spouse?


Re: Can I get married outside the Temple?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:02 am
by russellhltn
At one time it was required to wait a year after a civil marriage before a temple sealing could be done. But that limitation has been removed from the Handbook.

Newsroom: Couples Married Civilly Now Authorized for Immediate Temple Marriage

Re: Can I get married outside the Temple?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:00 am
by tobynixon
You most certainly can get civilly married outside the temple and then sealed in the temple later. In fact, some jurisdictions require it -- they want civil marriages performed in a public place. Many people whose families are not LDS decide to have the civil ceremony outside the temple so their family can witness, and then go to the temple for the sealing. Many people are married before joining the church, and get sealed after they've been members long enough to get a temple recommend. And if you think about it, every single deceased couple who are sealed in the temple were married outside the temple first while still living (we don't do sealings for the dead without some evidence that they were married while living). Having the civil part of the marriage ceremony also done in the temple along with the sealing ceremony is nice but not essential, and your sealing is no less valid because the civil ceremony was done outside the temple first.