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Can’t schedule other buildings in the Stake

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:23 pm
by RBeatse
We used to be able to set a setting that allowed what building(s) a particular Ward members could schedule items in. In our particular case, we allowed every Ward to schedule in all four of our buildings. In other Stakes, maybe each Ward would have their regular building and then a backup building if that one was full.

However, that functionality is not working and we can’t find where the choice is now. Is anyone else seeing this? Anyone know if this is on purpose? And if so, why? It seems that a Stake should have the ability to schedule their buildings the way they want/need.

Re: Can’t schedule other buildings in the Stake

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:13 am
by russellhltn
Gear icon > Location and Rooms. Click "Edit" next to a building/location.

Down at the bottom there's "Units Who Can Schedule but Do Not Meet Here for Church".