This is on my MacBook, which locks automatically when I move away from it. And is secured by a Secure Enclave and my literal finger print.
If you're going to time us out, provide a count down. If a count down offends your sensibilities, then my point is proven. Having a timeout on the Church website (which I'm increasingly beginning to do more regularly in an effort to fight against social media addiction) feels bad. I go in and highlight a scripture. Oh whoops it's been 40 minutes, gotta sign in before I can leave a note or add a tag.
The weirdest part is that it holds onto some sort of state, eg it remembers my home settings. Maybe storing all that in cookies? Not much of a web guy, forgive my ignorance.
Anyways, if you have us on a short logout timer for leaving notes in our scriptures, and you're hiding that timer from us because it makes the user feel bad, then the problem is the short time out, not letting the user know how long they have.
I'd expect the timeout to be more like 48 hours or 72 if there was a need to have a timeout. But no need on my phone? My phone can remain logged into the app.
If it's just a bug, sorry for the rant. But please consider this a request to fix said bug