PLEASE READ FIRST: Answers to Most Church Account Issues

Church Account is the primary user account (user name and password) for accessing online Church resources. Church Account was formerly known as LDS Account. This forum is a space to discuss all things related to Church Accounts (registration, account recovery, user experience, vulnerabilities, etc.).
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PLEASE READ FIRST: Answers to Most Church Account Issues


Post by nmecantwin73 »

This forum is for user-to-user help. The official support pages for Church Account issues can be found here:

If you are not able to recover your account using the options on the above webpage, or the methods listed in the following posts, you may contact support online by selecting 'Contact Support' on the above-mentioned page to send a message to the Account Support team at the Global Services Department.
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Recover Church Account Password


Post by nmecantwin73 »

If you have forgotten your Church Account password, you can recover access to your Church Account via the following steps:

1. Go to
2. Click on "I forgot my username or password"
3. Choose the desired recovery method.
4. Input the desired recovery option information (i.e. Membership Record Number, email address, mobile phone number).
5. Follow the prompts to recover your account.

Once you have successfully updated your account password you should be able to access your account.

If you are unable to log in to your account immediately after a password reset, please wait at least one hour, and try again.

If you need additional assistance with this process, please review help topics on
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Add Membership Record Number to Church Account


Post by nmecantwin73 »

If you need to add your Membership Record Number (MRN) to your Church Account, please follow these steps:

1. Sign in to
2. Under Profile, click on Membership.
3. Enter your MRN and Birth Date.
4. Click Save.

Please contact your Ward or Branch Clerk if you do not have your MRN.

If you receive an error message that says, “Either the MRN and/or Birth Date is not valid, or the account already exists…” then most likely there is already an account with the membership record number attached to it. To recover the account associated with your MRN, please follow these steps:

1. Go to
2. Click on "I forgot my username or password"
3. Choose the Church Membership Information recovery method.
4. Type in your MRN, then select the phone number or email address, if listed, you believe you may have used to create a Church Account.
5. Follow the prompts to recover your account.

If you are still experiencing issues trying to add your MRN, please review help topics on
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Change Phone Number or Email Address on Church Account


Post by nmecantwin73 »

To change the phone number or email address associated to your church account, please do the following:

1. Go to
2. Sign in with your Church Account username and password.
3. Under the Personal menu section, click on Contact Information.
4. Here you can update your phone and email address:
  • Contact Phone Number - used in your ward/branch directory.
  • Account Mobile Phone - used for Church Account recovery and Two-step Verification.
  • Email address - used for Church Account recovery and other system notifications, as needed.
After changing the phone number or email address on your account, a message will be sent with instructions on how to complete the verification process.

For information or questions, please review the Update Account Settings topic on
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Duplicate Church Account / delete an account


Post by nmecantwin73 »

If you believe you have duplicate Church Accounts, you may delete an account you no longer need after signing into the account.

Once signed in, if you no longer desire to keep an account, we recommend deleting it by clicking on the "Delete Account" option under Account Profile on When deleting an account, it is recommended that you delete accounts that do not have your Membership Record Number (MRN) associated to them.

Please note that when an account is deleted, it is non-recoverable. All associated information with other Church websites may be lost (i.e. Gospel Library, BYU Pathway**, etc.) If you need to move online donations to the account you want to keep, please contact your ward/branch clerk or a member of your bishopric/branch presidency for assistance.

**For current or former BYU Pathway students, to avoid losing critical information, prior to deleting an account please contact your mentor for help determining which account is in use by BYU Pathway.

To check if there are other accounts using the same email address, please go to ... nformation. If there are multiple accounts associated with your email address, the page will display a list of these accounts in the Email section.

While email addresses may be associated with multiple accounts, it is recommended to use your email address with a single account to avoid future recovery issues. If you would like to update the email address on your account, input a new email address in the Email section on the Contact Information page mentioned above, click the Save button, and follow the prompts to verify the address.

If you update your email address, a message will be sent with instructions on how to complete the verification process.

For additional assistance, please review help topics on
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Parent(s) managing a child's Church Account


Post by nmecantwin73 »

A parent may manage their child's Church Account for any of their unmarried children under the age of 18 and that reside in your household, according to your membership record. You may create an account, reset a password, or delete an account that is no longer needed.

The following steps can assist in this process:

1. Login to with your Church Account username and password.
2. Click on Children Accounts under the Other Accounts section.
3. Click the option below each child's name that you would like to edit.
Warning: Only accounts with a Membership Record Number (MRN) attached will be visible.

To change an account password:
1. Click on Change Password beneath the child’s name.
2. Enter in the new password. (The password must be a minimum of 8 characters, cannot be simple or common, and cannot contain any part of the child's name or username.)
3. Click Save.

To create an account:
1. Click on Create Account beneath the child’s name.
2. Enter the preferred username and password. (If the username is already in use, you will receive a message saying, "Username is not available".)
3. Enter the phone number or email address for recovery options OR check the box next to use parent account email and phone number.
4. Click Save.

To verify an account:
1. Click on Give Consent.
2. Read through the information on how to revoke consent, as well as what information will be collected and how it will be used.
3. Check the box next to I have read the Church's Privacy Policy and Right and Use Information and hereby authorize this child to register for a Church Account.
4. Click Save.

To delete an account:
1. Click on Delete beneath the child’s name.
2. Click on Delete Account.

For additional assistance, please review the Children Accounts topic on
Last edited by nmecantwin73 on Tue May 21, 2024 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Two-Step Verification on Church Account


Post by nmecantwin73 »

  • What is Two-Step Verification?
  • How do I set it up?
  • What options are available?
For information or questions, please review the Two-Step Verification topic on
Last edited by nmecantwin73 on Tue May 21, 2024 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Church Mobile Apps using Church Account


Post by nmecantwin73 »

As the Church mobile apps (Member Tools, Gospel Library, Gospel Living, etc.) use your Church Account credentials, it is recommended that you first make sure your Church Account username and password work on We recommend that you manually type in your username and password rather than using any stored username and password in your web browser.

In addition, for best results with Church mobile apps, your Church Account should have your Membership Record Number connected to it.

If you are not able to sign in, you can recover access to your Church Account by following these steps:

1. Go to
2. Click on "I forgot my username or password"
3. Choose the desired recovery method.
4. Follow the prompts to recover your account.

If you can successfully sign into, but you cannot sign into a Church mobile app, try completely uninstalling and reinstalling the app. If you continue to experience issues, help can be requested for the application via the steps listed below:

Member Tools – Additional information can be found on the following website: ... -questions.

Gospel LibrarySelect Help > Send Feedback option in the settings of the app.

Gospel Living – Select Settings > Send Feedback option in the app.

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