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Population Density question

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 12:36 am
by cdw3423lds
Does anyone have access to the data needed to answer the following question?

If you were to take a random sample of say 10,000 members of the church living in the USA, how many would live in central Oklahoma?

Chris W

Re: Population Density question

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:55 am
by russellhltn
This is primarily a user-to-user support forum. I doubt if anyone here has that information.

The best you could probably do is use the meetinghouse locator to see where the wards are and estimate from that.

Re: Population Density question

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 1:29 pm
by sbradshaw
There's a section of the Church Newsroom that has statistics broken out by country, and (in some cases, like the United States) by state.

Here's the page for the United States:

And here's the page for Oklahoma:

I wasn't able to find a date of when it was last updated, but I'm assuming the data is as of the end of 2023 (since there's an annual report of membership statistics for the previous year usually published in April).

The statistics show that there are 6,868,793 members in the United States, and 52,844 in Oklahoma. In other words, 0.77% of Church members in the United States live in Oklahoma. 0.77% of 10,000 is about 77, so in a random sample of 10,000 members in the United States, you could expect about 77 of them to live in Oklahoma.

Narrowing down to central Oklahoma is a little more tricky. You could look at the wards on a map to estimate, as russellhltn suggests. Or maybe you could find statistics for how many total people in Oklahoma live in central Oklahoma, and use that to estimate how many Church members in Oklahoma live in central Oklahoma. However, with numbers that small (only 77 in Oklahoma), it will be hard to estimate more precise distribution with statistical confidence.