Deleting Zoomed Sacrament Meetings

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Deleting Zoomed Sacrament Meetings


Post by dlporter56 »

We've just started recording our Sacrament Meetings and the Handbook says to delete them after 24 hours. I'm trying to do that following Zooms instructions and am unable to. There is supposed to be a delete button but I can't find it. I'm attaching a screenshot of what my screen looks like. PLEASE help! They are Webinars, not Meetings.
zoomsave.jpg (8.85 KiB) Viewed 2279 times
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Re: Deleting Zoomed Sacrament Meetings


Post by nmecantwin73 »

dlporter56 wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 12:21 pm We've just started recording our Sacrament Meetings and the Handbook says to delete them after 24 hours. I'm trying to do that following Zooms instructions and am unable to. There is supposed to be a delete button but I can't find it. I'm attaching a screenshot of what my screen looks like. PLEASE help! They are Webinars, not Meetings.
Are the recordings local or cloud recordings? This may affect how and where you can delete them. And to clarify, you are signed in to the Zoom account associated to your ward? Any additional info you can provide may help to know more about the issue. Thanks.
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