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"Quick Reply" disabled

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 5:48 pm
by russellhltn
As moderators, we're noticing an increasing number of posts that look more like search queries than forum posts.

To discourage that, the "Quick Reply" feature as been turned off. No more will you see the big text box at the bottom of the page waiting to accept your response. You can still reply by clicking "Post Reply" button at the top or bottom of the list of posts, or by clicking on the quote mark in the post you wish to reply to.

The hope is that it will give users time to comprehend the page their looking at before typing in big inviting text box and clicking "submit".

Re: "Quick Reply" disabled

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 10:35 am
by BrianEdwards
Ideally this would be something that those newer users who are still under "probation" would see (I expect they're the vast majority of these cases), and the rest of the "approved" members would continue to have the quick reply box. But I'm sure it's not an easily configurable thing, and it's a small price for users to pay, to help reduce the load on the mods. I've actually wondered about those terse posts, and didn't think that perhaps people were trying to search for help on those keywords, as opposed to it being an actual question they're posting.

Appreciate everything you guys do to help keep the Forum useful and relatively uncluttered.