Question on how to fix church records

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Question on how to fix church records


Post by RieSmith »

I am an adult and just found out the father who raised me is not my biological father. My parents kept that information from me, though I have found that they absolutely knew. But, as a member of the church, my records incorrectly state who my father is. I am not trying to diminish the role of the father who raised me in any way but now as an adult I would also like to have my records correct as now that I have found my biological father I have a good relationship with him and was denied that previously. All parties involved knew about who my biological father is, but kept that information from me and denied him access to have a relationship with me ( for no reason other than my stepfather’s preference). Long story short my biological father was in Vietnam when my mother had me and was not told until after my birth and by this time my mother married my stepfather and he put his name on my birth certificate effectively denying my biological father any recourse (no way to prove it as we have now through DNA). So, how do you fix a record?
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Re: Question on how to fix church records


Post by russellhltn »

Generally, church records reflect the legal parents, not the biological ones. There isn't any "slots" to record both biological and adopted. Just the current legal ones.

However, in FamilySearch, you can record both along with the story itself.
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Re: Question on how to fix church records


Post by jdlessley »

The General Handbook, 33.6, provides guidance about creating and maintaining records. The more common situations are addressed but unique ones such as yours are not. I am guessing your membership record was properly created, if at the time you were baptized (and I assume you were a minor), the people listed on your birth certificate were your legal parents/guardians and they gave approval for your baptism. But I know from personal experience that an adult member can have the parents on your membership record changed/corrected. In that situation it was done before the sealing to parents was done. Discuss your situation with your bishop and let him know what you want changed and why. General Handbook, 36.6, states "For situations not addressed in this section, leaders should contact the Global Services Department or the area office." Also, General Handbook, 0.4, states "If leaders have questions about information in this handbook or about issues it does not address, they counsel with their immediate presiding authority."
JD Lessley
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Re: Question on how to fix church records


Post by mevans »

The above information is very good. Here are some other thoughts: Does the church record state that you are sealed to your "legal parents" or are you not sealed? Even if the parents aren't who you would expect, bear in mind that the sealing ordinance is part of a covenant and you are entitled to blessings through that sealing. So, even if it's not biologically correct, you still receive blessings through that covenant. That may be a reason that the church would not want to make a change on your membership record. Some day (which may not be in this life), if we live faithful to the covenants, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and going to make everything right.

I do want you to know that I'm aware of a couple of unique situations in the lives of individuals where where the prophet or an apostle has needed to provide answers to a stake president or temple president when the handbook didn't cover a situation...because the prophet and apostles are the individuals who hold certain priesthood keys. Since your situation isn't in the handbook, it's possible that one of those individuals will review your situation...or it's possible that they've given guidelines to other leaders on how to handle and review this situation.
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