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What does this knob do (attachment)?

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:14 pm
by ciroque
I have fiddled with this knob, which seems like it should control some gain stage or another, but I have not been able to work it out.


Re: What does this knob do (attachment)?

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:22 pm
by russellhltn
Maybe it to control additional mics that are plugged in and not the podium.

Re: What does this knob do (attachment)?

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:50 pm
by garystroble
Anything to do with the satellite feed, if you still have one in your building?

Re: What does this knob do (attachment)?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 4:00 am
by RyanGard1977
That was primarily for the satellite system, but since the dishes have been removed at most or are being removed at most of the buildings, it no longer applies and will be removed during the next sound system upgrade. It generally will not increase the gain of the audio from the podium/chapel, as that sound is controlled via the main on/off vol up/down pulpit up/down controls. Are you having low audio issues? If so, then you need to submit a FIR asking for the chapel audio level be increased.

Re: What does this knob do (attachment)?

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:27 am
by mevans
Interesting. I haven't seen that control system in a church building. The more modern the system, the more likely that everything is programmable. So, if you have a nice tech who comes out to work on the system, you could probably have the tech program it to do whatever you want it to do.

Re: What does this knob do (attachment)?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:10 am
by kent.smith
This looks like a modern stake center and this is on the pulpit control correct?

This is the control for what inputs to use as well as a level control for those inputs. You are correct in that the English/Spanish function is for the satellite language as well as a level control (independent of the main). Your "MEDIA SOURCE" inputs may be on or at the pulpit, or they could be back in your tech RAC. For example, Our RAC has media inputs that we use for early prelude or post prelude music when our Piano/Organist is late or finishes a little early. The leadership can select the background music as well as the level. I use an old phone with 1 hour of piano arrangements playing in a loop. Ours has a duplicate control in the RAC. The input plugs are either 1/8" jacks or RCA. This is great if you want to feed reverent music though the building for funerals, buildings cleaning etc.

Also in these buildings you will find similar controls in the RS room and/or Primary room with a similar MEDIA SOURCE input of a 1/8" jack near this control for independent room audio. We use this to play music locally, or use local MICs. For example RS meal or visiting authority conference meal. We use it extensively in our Stake center. I can share all kinds of ways you can use these inputs! We also play music though them in the cultural hall for talent nights as well as a little more energetic music for basketball and volleyball. It is VERY useful.

Here is a reference: ... ther_Rooms ...except I think your picture is for the chapel or the entire building "Room"

Re: What does this knob do (attachment)?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:29 pm
by RyanGard1977
That was a much better way of describing it, Kent. The new systems as of about a year ago no longer will have those types of controls in the Primary/RS rooms, they are going back to a rocker switch for chapel & local audio, and the traditional volume knob, where as in the chapel and cultural hall, you have the LCD screens.