How do I load a gedcom file FROM Ancestry to Family Tree

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How do I load a gedcom file FROM Ancestry to Family Tree


Post by sheenaannbrown »

We did our family history on Ancestry. How do we get the information across to Family tree without having to submit all 5,600 names individually all over again - took about 30 years work!! Can we do a gedcom file the opposite way, FROM Ancestry to Family Tree?

Thanks in advance
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Re: How do I load a gedcom file FROM Ancestry to Family Tree


Post by russellhltn »

You probably can, but I'd be very cautious. Please keep in mind that unlike other sites where you record you genealogy is isolation, FamilySearch is more like "the tree of all mankind". People are expected to work collaboratively as you no doubt have lots of distant cousins also working on the same lines.

Once you get above the Grandparent to Great-grandparent level, there's very good odds they're already there. If you import 5600 name, I'd wager that you'd create over 5,000 duplicate individuals. What's more, you'd probably want to associate source material with the names you add to back up the assertions being made. As someone once said "Genealogy without sources are fairytales".

I think you'll find in this system, the work is far, far easier than it was even 10 years ago.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: How do I load a gedcom file FROM Ancestry to Family Tree


Post by greenwoodkl »

You can upload a GEDCOM file into the Pedigree Resource File which is part of FamilySearch Genealogies.

Some related Help and Learning articles: Whether through a desktop tool, such as RootsMagic or Family Tree Maker, or via the web at FamilySearch and Ancestry, you'll likely still need to go through some reconciliation comparing potential matches.
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