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Adding EQ lessons to Gospel Library App

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:14 pm
by sammyiv
Hello! I was wondering if there's a way to include an older conference talk in the EQ lessons. It seems like the app currently only lets us add the most recent conference lessons. It would be really useful if we could include older talks or perhaps create a custom lesson topic to share with the quorum.

Re: Adding EQ lessons to Gospel Library App

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:07 pm
by russellhltn
sammyiv wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:14 pm Hello! I was wondering if there's a way to include an older conference talk in the EQ lessons. It seems like the app currently only lets us add the most recent conference lessons. It would be really useful if we could include older talks or perhaps create a custom lesson topic to share with the quorum.
That would not be following what's stated in General Handbook

Re: Adding EQ lessons to Gospel Library App

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:07 am
by beckybradyderrick
I have this same question as the RS 2nd counselor. It takes us the months of October and April to study and select six months worth of lessons. It would be helpful to have the previous conference available through the month of October and April if we need to go back to the previous conference.

Re: Adding EQ lessons to Gospel Library App

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:33 am
by BrianEdwards
One idea for those wanting to have a custom lesson topic, would be to talk with the Bishopric and see if they can include that in a fifth-Sunday class. Many (most?!?) special topics that would be of interest to the EQ members, would also be applicable to others (on fifth Sundays, the Bishopric determines whether youth and adults, male and female, meet separately or together).

Re: Adding EQ lessons to Gospel Library App

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:40 am
by russellhltn
beckybradyderrick wrote: Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:07 am I have this same question as the RS 2nd counselor. It takes us the months of October and April to study and select six months worth of lessons. It would be helpful to have the previous conference available through the month of October and April if we need to go back to the previous conference.
Are you currently able to schedule lessons for April 2024? If so, then you already have what you are asking for - as long as you schedule in advance. But once the April 2024 talks are posted, then October 2023 may no longer be available for scheduling in April.

Re: Adding EQ lessons to Gospel Library App

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:45 am
by BrianEdwards
It takes us the months of October and April to study and select six months worth of lessons.
Many of us have been in your shoes, and understand the prayerful care you are taking to be inspired with the Conference talks you select. That said, as stated above by russellhltn, GHB is pretty clear. Given that the first EQ/RS lesson is only a week after General Conference, I'd suggest you would be able to at least quickly choose the talk for that lesson (choosing the Prophet's message would always be a good choice!). And while that doesn't give the teacher that much time to prepare, it seems the Church is instructing us to begin using the newer messages immediately (even if it does present a bit of logistical considerations). Then you can use the needed additional time during the month to select the remaining lesson topics.

Re: Adding EQ lessons to Gospel Library App

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:28 pm
by russellhltn
Please note this post by "insider" sbradshaw:
if you enter talks into Gospel Library in advance – i.e. fill in October's lessons with April talks before the changeover – those April talks will be available on the relevant weeks in October for members of your class or quorum. The changeover only affects the process of adding talks – it doesn't remove talks that were already added.
This seems ample time to select and coordinate lessons. As long as you're entering them in advance and not procrastinating, you're fine.