Web braille format for the new preach my gospel

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Web braille format for the new preach my gospel


Post by yhenrichsen »

Hello! Paul Henrichsen here. My wife is posting this for me as she found the forum site first.

I have a few questions:
1. I am blind and use a Brailliant refreshable braille device to access church manuals. We have been challenged to study the new Preach My Gospel by our ward leaders and I am wondering how soon the new manual will be available in '.brl' format.

2 Also, past '.brl' files have all been formatted for printing on a braille printer and is therefore cumbersome to use in refreshable braille format. When teaching Sunday School, I had to download the SS lesson manual pdf files to MSWord, clean up the document, and then upload it into my Brilliant for use during class. I did something similar with the hymnal '.brl' file, spending considerable time removing the extra lines meant for printing and adding the chorus after each verse to make it more efficient to use during sacrament. So, the second question is: Do you have any plans to add a refreshable braille format to upcoming manuals?

Lastly, it feels from the user point of view that the braille site has been virtually abandoned. I realize that the files are on the Gospel Library, but I, and others, need a tactile version to teach from. I also realize that you have limited resources to work on these products but hope they will not be sidelined in favor of audio formats.

Paul Henrichsen., [Personal information removed - this is a public forum]
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Re: Web braille format for the new preach my gospel


Post by sbradshaw »

Hi! I don't know the answers to your questions; however, I know there are some Church employees who oversee accessible publishing. You may be able to get in contact with someone by using the Feedback form on the Church website. Here's a direct link to the feedback form:
Hope this helps!
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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