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Digital Missionary Board for Stake Center

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 4:40 pm
by Rwhaley
Does anyone have any knowledge of a Digital Missionary Board (touchscreen enabled) that our Stake Presidency could review as an option to replace our old paper map with missionary photos on it?

We are looking for tech solution and interested if anyone has any experience with a product or service that they may use in their stake, or helped to implement.
We'd like to take the current Missionary Board and digitize it, so visitors and family members can search for their Missionary, etc.

Any and all thoughts and ideas are welcome!

Re: Digital Missionary Board for Stake Center

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 11:40 am
by gkdyer
There is an existing method already set to go. I found this by accident.

use you Ward Directory. Change to ENTIRE STAKE.


CLICK Serving

This will show Service Missionaries and Serving Missionarys in the World on a world Map. IT CAN BE ZOOMED as needed.