QR code generator

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QR code generator


Post by shari2go »

We have many opportunities in our community to participate in local events. We want to be able to track peoples interests in our handouts with each booth. Does the church have something like a QR generator that can be utilized, or is this something we need to purchase as a ward?
If we need to purchase, anyone have recommendations on a reasonably priced QR code generator, the ones we've seen are rather pricy.
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Re: QR code generator


Post by jdlessley »

There are numerous free QR code generators on the web, in the mobile app stores for all the platforms, and in the web browsers. The only web browser I know that has a QR code generator built in without the need of an add-on or extension is Chrome. Most of the other popular web browsers have add-ons available, many of which are free.

For example:
How to create a QR Code in Google Chrome
  1. In the browser window, open the URL that you want to create a QR Code for, and click the share button.
  2. Click 'create a QR Code', which instantly generates a static QR Code.
  3. Download the QR Code.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the ChurchofJesusChrist.org Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: QR code generator


Post by BrianEdwards »

We want to be able to track peoples interests...
We often use static QR codes, and trackable (aka dynamic) QR codes always seemed like they would either be pricy or require more data sharing than we'd like to.
Does the church have something like a QR generator that can be utilized...
My understanding is that there's two aspects at play. One is the generation of the QR code itself, the other is where that QR code directs the "scan interaction". A trackable QR code requires some kind of broker site that will manage counting the interactions while also redirecting the user to the desired webpage. The Church definitely won't have any public solution that addresses that. And with the easy availability of static QR code generation these days, the Church will unlikely ever provide that either.
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