Searching talks, lessons, etc. inside specific talks or lessons

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Searching talks, lessons, etc. inside specific talks or lessons


Post by Katre »


Currently, we are able to find certain talks by putting key words in the search bar which either searches the entire Church website or General Conference. That is wonderful! I'm wondering if it would be possible to use the search tool inside the talk or lesson to assist in quickly finding key words or phrases given.

Thank you for your assistance.

Katre Nye
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Re: Searching talks, lessons, etc. inside specific talks or lessons


Post by rmrichesjr »

If you're using a desktop web browser, you can probably use the browser to search for words or phrases within a talk that you are currently viewing. With most browsers I have used, Control-F brings up a small search box within the browser window, and the browser will attempt to search the current page for whatever text you put in the box.
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Re: Searching talks, lessons, etc. inside specific talks or lessons


Post by Arte71 »

+ if you're using a mobile browser or Gospel Library in whatever phone or tablet you're using, there's usually an option to "Find in Page" so you can search any specific keywords/phrases within the talk (Clicking the three dots in the upper corner on Chrome or Gospel Library will bring you that option)
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