Kindoo Access Control System

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Kindoo Access Control System


Post by dave.swartz »

The FM group is installing a new access control system from Kindoo Technologies. (See To use this system you need to install an application on your iPhone or Android phone. Part of installation is to agree to their terms and conditions. ( My concern is that this agreement is overly broad and refers to "you" as if you were the subscriber of the service (which probably is the FM group) instead of the proper context as that of the user of the service.

Is there a separate written agreement that the church has entered into that supersedes the agreement that members are being asked to agree to on behalf of the church or themselves to use this software? If so does anyone have a copy of it?

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Re: Kindoo Access Control System


Post by lajackson »

dave.swartz wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:36 pm Is there a separate written agreement that the church has entered into that supersedes the agreement that members are being asked to agree to on behalf of the church or themselves to use this software? If so does anyone have a copy of it?
I expect that there is, because the terms you link to require payment per user if there are more than two of them and I do not believe the Church would agree to that. As written, I would not be able to commit to the terms of the agreement to which you linked.

It should be an interesting adoption process.

I also suppose the FM Group will be swapping out door locks every five years along with computers.

And to use the system it appears I have to be on the Internet and have Bluetooth activated on my phone. I wonder if I can connect to Liahona to do it?

Not to mention having a phone that will do the trick. And electricity.
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Re: Kindoo Access Control System


Post by swigginton »

Kindoo is rolling out in our FM group. It's a very clever system and is working well. We have it on our buildings. The license agreement has some components between Kindoo and the Church and between Kindoo and the end user. The Church has negotiated a discounted user fee and it's paid by the FM group. The end user needs to authorize the app to use Bluetooth, as that is how it communicates with the device to unlock the door. The phone needs internet access because Kindoo is a cloud-based service. You initially authenticate through the Kindoo app using the Church's single sign-on (matching the email address stored in your membership record). That's a one-time action. Then, when you approach a Kindoo-enabled door, the app detects it via Bluetooth and displays an onscreen "Open" button. If you are authorized for that door at that time of day, there is an encrypted handshake between the phone and the Kindoo device which unlocks the door.
The phone needs internet access, but you can use the Liahona network for that.
The Kindoo is powered by a battery backup power supply, so still works if power is lost. One door of the building is still keyed. In our area, stake presidents and bishops will have that key as a backup entry method. A key still needs to be in the Knox box for emergency services access to the building.
I've been involved in the installation and training process for our FM group and am happy to answer any questions.
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Re: Kindoo Access Control System


Post by russellhltn »

swigginton wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:11 am I've been involved in the installation and training process for our FM group and am happy to answer any questions.
I'd like to know what the end user agreement for the users are. Article 6.1 seems overly broad.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Kindoo Access Control System


Post by swigginton »

russellhltn wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2023 10:31 am
swigginton wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:11 am I've been involved in the installation and training process for our FM group and am happy to answer any questions.
I'd like to know what the end user agreement for the users are. Article 6.1 seems overly broad.
That's a pretty standard clause for most apps. For Kindoo, they collect your email address. When you authenticate through the Church sign-on, they collect your name as it exists in the Church membership record. You can choose to upload a self photo, but that's optional. A Kindoo manager or administrator can also add a description. In our case, it's the member's calling. You can also add your phone number, but that's also optional. They collect your phone type so they can provide the correct user interface controls, etc.
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Re: Kindoo Access Control System


Post by dave.swartz »

Here is the latest update on this. I reached out to Kindoo and was put in contact with the vendor that is working with the church deploying this application. I had a great conversation with their CEO and expressed my concerns with their agreement. He agrees that the agreement presented when enrolling your device is the wrong agreement for end users to be agreeing to. He will work with Kindoo to get this resolved. They are planning a new release in 3 weeks of the App and he hopes that in that release this will be fixed. He meets regularly with church ICS and he will surface this with them as well.

It sounds like this is a good system. I would chalk this up to normal speed bumps that happen anytime a new system is deployed. It will be interesting to see how this system works going forward.

All the best.
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Re: Kindoo Access Control System


Post by BrianEdwards »

Slightly changing the topic: does the Church use the Kindoo system solely for external doors? There's rumblings that our local building may be in line for electronic keys in the coming months, and we're interested in determining exactly how much reduction in physical keys we should expect. We have the normal interior keys for library, clerks office, and Branch President office. We also have an external shed which operates on the same key as the external building doors. There's a lot of overlap between those needing building access and those needing access to those other doors, so if somebody with this system could confirm how the Church is implementing the electronic keys, that will help us get an idea of how many of us will actually be able to go truly "keyless".
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Re: Kindoo Access Control System


Post by swigginton »

BrianEdwards wrote: Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:20 am ...does the Church use the Kindoo system solely for external doors?"
For our FM group, it's only external doors (1 to 3 doors, depending on the building configuration and whether there is a separate stake office entry). You still have physical keys for the material center, offices, outside gates, font, closets, shed, etc. You need to run low-voltage power to the doors, install electric strikes, etc. It's not an inexpensive solution and not intended to be fully keyless; just a better way to manage building access.
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Re: Kindoo Access Control System


Post by bilges »

@swigginton On our Kindoo system one door can be unlocked remotely. I'm assuming this means there is a device on the church building network that has Bluetooth capability. Do you know what that device is and what it looks like? I've been asked to power cycle one and and would LOVE to know what I'm looking for :D
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Re: Kindoo Access Control System


Post by russellhltn »

bilges wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:56 am @swigginton On our Kindoo system one door can be unlocked remotely. I'm assuming this means there is a device on the church building network that has Bluetooth capability.
I'm not sure that's a valid conclusion. It might be done over the internet via WiFi.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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