Excess Budget funds stake sweep

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Re: Excess Budget funds stake sweep


Post by lajackson »

eblood66 wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:26 pm The letter does provide the specific amounts but I'm not sure whether they should be posted in public.
I think not.
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Re: Excess Budget funds stake sweep


Post by jdlessley »

lajackson wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:49 pm
johnshaw wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 8:20 pm I can't get them to understand just how much $$ we're losing from not tracking attendance of our Young Men.
Unless it has changed (and it very well may have) I thought the budget allowance was based on how many Youth records you have, not how many are actually attending.
The capitation rate is based on the attendance and pulled from the quarterly report, line 18 for YM and line 19 for YW. Primary is a computation based on both records and attendance.
JD Lessley
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Re: Excess Budget funds stake sweep


Post by garystroble »

jdlessley wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:57 pm
lajackson wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:49 pm
johnshaw wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 8:20 pm I can't get them to understand just how much $$ we're losing from not tracking attendance of our Young Men.
Unless it has changed (and it very well may have) I thought the budget allowance was based on how many Youth records you have, not how many are actually attending.
The capitation rate is based on the attendance and pulled from the quarterly report, line 18 for YM and line 19 for YW. Primary is a computation based on both records and attendance.
I believe Primary is based on Activity Day age attendance, not all of Primary.
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Re: Excess Budget funds stake sweep


Post by russellhltn »

jdlessley wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:57 pm Primary is a computation based on both records and attendance.
There's also a YSA category. Since typically there is no YSA class, IIRC, it's done by using making a guess based on sacrament meeting attendances and the percentage of YSA in the ward.

I'd be a bit surprised if Primary is done that way since they do have a separate meeting.
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Re: Excess Budget funds stake sweep


Post by jdlessley »

YSA LUBA is computed by multiplying the number of YSA records by the sacrament meeting attendance percent on line 7 of the quarterly report. Primary LUBA is computed by the number of records for children age 7 to 10 by the primary attendance percent found on line 22 of the quarterly report. When using records, such as for computing the YSA and primary LUBA, the number is what is found on the last day of the quarter. The YW and YM numbers are attendance throughout the quarter. If they attended one meeting during the quarter they are counted. The previous method of counting attendance was if they attended a meeting in the last month of the quarter.
JD Lessley
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Re: Excess Budget funds stake sweep


Post by eblood66 »

jdlessley wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:50 pm That's interesting, because I got a letter notice, but it did not include the rates. I'll have to ask my stake clerk to see what he got.
The amounts are at the top of the second page after the end of the main 'letter'. Does your letter have more than one page? Does it mention an 'enclosure'?
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Re: Excess Budget funds stake sweep


Post by bballrob »

When was this notice sent out? I’m a stake auditor and I did not receive it.
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Re: Excess Budget funds stake sweep


Post by BrianEdwards »

When was this notice sent out? I’m a stake auditor and I did not receive it.
The communication was sent November 9th, with the recipients listed in an earlier post in this thread. For those without access to the official communication, the first page of the communication is essentially what is listed in the pop-up message in LCRF.
Does your letter have more than one page? Does it mention an 'enclosure'?
My assertion that this new Notice provided helpful details and explanations, is definitely based on a recipient having the version I see, which contains a total of three pages. The first page is what I'd describe as a basic notice from the Church, while pages two and three are something we might not have at first, but then would eventually appear in a less-official FAQ that might not be as visible or as accessible. Having all three pages contained in the same official communication is quite nice. Anyone who just has a single page notice, is missing these helpful details and explanations, so I'd definitely suggest reaching out to another leader, perhaps the Bishop or Stake President if needed.

And as is often the case, this thread discussion is specific to the United States (since the Communication was specific to the USA). So for anyone elsewhere, you'll hopefully be receiving your own updates for 2024, likely in whatever manner your Area currently uses to instruct local leaders regarding Church funds.
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Re: Excess Budget funds stake sweep


Post by eblood66 »

BrianEdwards wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 7:48 am
When was this notice sent out? I’m a stake auditor and I did not receive it.
The communication was sent November 9th, with the recipients listed in an earlier post in this thread. For those without access to the official communication, the first page of the communication is essentially what is listed in the pop-up message in LCRF.
Unfortunately, I don't think auditors even have access to LCRF. It must be an oversight that auditors didn't get sent the letter and don't have access in OCL since the letter explicitly indicates that it's for Stake auditors. So I'm assuming it was also an oversight for Stake Finance Clerks as well since it most definitely is relevant to our calling.

Interestingly, I do have access to the recent letter on the 2024 Youth theme which isn't relevant to my calling and where I don't fit into any of the listed recipient categories.
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Re: Excess Budget funds stake sweep


Post by jpjones~ogr »

Relative to Church notices (Official Communications) not usually shared with your calling, try changing your site account Subscriptions Settings to include Official Communication Library. I turned this on years ago, and it seems to keep me informed of all the stuff I want to be aware of, and some that I don't, which seems to include notices I wouldn't normally be CC'd on. Hope this helps.

[ Disclaimer (or something kinda like it): Been ward clerk for long long long time, and I regularly warn folks that I'm not sure what they can or cannot access in the Tools app' and on the Church's website because I'm so used to being mostly in the know. ]

Thanks for all the comments on this topic. They really do help.
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