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New audio system and the internet connection dependency

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 3:29 pm
by maksokami

The new audio system with the lcd screen was installed in one of the buildings in our stake. There were no major issue with it until the building firewall got fried during a storm. The new system seems to be internet dependent, so the building is out of audio for a week. We were able to restore the building internet by using a home-grade router (facilities will not be able to order a new Meraki FW until spring!), However the audio system display still shows "offline" and the mics are not working. The ethernet cable that came with the system's switches also had broken clips on both connectors so it fell out and we're not sure which port in which switch it should be connected to.
Either way I suppose it didn't come up since it's relying on some tunnel that FW was establishing? Do you know about any documentation on this new audio system? (The wiki is outdated). Is there any way to make it internet independent or what does it expect from the internet connection specifically (e.g. specific DNS IPs), which I could fake for it to come online?

Thank you

Re: New audio system and the internet connection dependency

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 10:13 am
by dave.swartz
I would try and get support from the church IT staff. Losing the firewall is a big deal since I believe it provides a bunch of network services such as DHCP for the various VLANS. What is probably going on is that all your IP connected AV components cannot talk to each other. Please post how they resolved it. If you are the STS then you will have access to We had a firewall do the rainbow led light show forever and the church IT team was able to walk us through resetting this. There were actions that they needed to do on their end. Remember that you are part of a huge team. There is no need or should you go it alone.

Re: New audio system and the internet connection dependency

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:40 pm
by maksokami
Hi, Thanks for advice.
Our building had an older setup without meraki or any other manages switch, so there were no VLANs and no DHCP issue after we've installed the temporary home router. Also, since all equipment was on one VLAN it could talk to each other.
Last week we had an audio engineer visit the building and he confirmed that controller and potentially amplifier got damaged by the lightning also (at least some ports). So that is the reason they misbehave and didn't work even with internet access restored.
We have RMAed the firewall and installed a managed meraki switch, so the audio system will be in facilities VLAN now and will be accessible remotely. WIll be waiting for new equipment from now on.

Re: New audio system and the internet connection dependency

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 12:21 am
by Mikerowaved
maksokami wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:40 pm Last week we had an audio engineer visit the building and he confirmed that controller and potentially amplifier got damaged by the lightning also (at least some ports). So that is the reason they misbehave and didn't work even with internet access restored.
That makes sense. I'm not sure the church would have approved a sound system that relied on the internet to work. Glad you got everything going again.

Re: New audio system and the internet connection dependency

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 6:11 pm
by daveg123
The new sound systems don't require an Internet connection, but they do run the audio over a network switch. If the switch dies, so does the audio.

Re: New audio system and the internet connection dependency

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 10:17 pm
by RyanGard1977
Correct. And it should not take the FM Group that long to order a new Cisco Firewall either.

Re: New audio system and the internet connection dependency

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 1:27 pm
by dave.swartz
Could you elaborate on this statement. "The new sound system don't require an Internet connection, but they do run the audio over a network switch." Are you sure? Our system is a couple of years old and all audio is run over physical cables as analog audio. While the audio processor is capable of Dante audio it doesn't do so. I think the network is used for signaling and control. In addition there are point to point links for carrying video (with audio) but I don't think it passes over the network switch but rather between Extron components.

There are lots of different systems out there that get installed over time. I am not trying to challenge your claim but rather seeking to understand if the church has installed something new.

Re: New audio system and the internet connection dependency

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:30 pm
by RyanGard1977
up until recently the church was utilizing a solution from IVIE Electronics or Soundweb London BLU for most meetinghouses. Meaning the Chapel and Cultural Hall audio was being controlled by a controller from one of those companies. There have been various models over the years. These did not require a dedicated full time internet connection, but was useful in some situations for troubleshooting remotely. These systems did utilize network style cables and cards, usually proprietary to the manufacturer of the sound system, to communicate with the various components such as the podium controller (sound system on/off switch for the chapel) the cultural hall box and switches, the IR sensors that detect the won-door/partitions between chapel/overflow/cultural hall, so as to turn on chapel sound in those areas when the doors would be open, and what not. The sound was and still is on the new QSC system solution, piped to the speakers via an amplifier(s) however - now we they are able to utilize 1 amp (or sometimes 2 depending on how many zones there are in the building) to handle audio needs for the entire building, instead of needing separate amps to take care of local audio for the primary and RS rooms, as well as the masking/white/pink noise that is put out over the speakers above the doors to the bishop's offices.

The new QSC system utilizes the network cables even more so now. And they want to have it connected to the internet for troubleshooting purposes, remotely. This requires things to be configured differently on the port that it will be utilizing off of the Meraki switch, usually Port 8, for facilities zone. In general, the Stake Technology specialist should not be doing anything to mess with this stuff once it is set up and configured correctly by the sound contractors. There are separate IP addresses that the sound equipment utilizes, generally starting with 10.xx.xx whatever- The contractors and engineers setting up this equipment have the ability and permission to remotely log in if everything is configured correctly and do what they need to do. They do not want members or stake members accessing this stuff. It will be password protected as well. Port 8 on the Meraki switch will also utilize stuff as needed, for electronic key fob access (for buildings that were lucky to get this) HVAC control, and what not. Again, mostly to be accessed by FM Group and approved contractors. So leave port 8 facility zone alone.

Some of the sound system contractors and engineers monitor this site and maybe can chime in and provide better details. I get to go out to some of the buildings that are in the local area as I am (or state) after things have been installed and help them fine tune things by working with them remotely or help get a downed network back up and running. I also do basic repairs on the existing BLU or IVIE systems as well when able.

Re: New audio system and the internet connection dependency

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:13 pm
by dave.swartz
An update to my previous post. I downloaded the QSC amplifier manual and compared it to the wiring diagram. On a new design audio inputs do go to the Amp where they are digitized and passed over the network to the audio processor. This all takes place within the rack.