Church accounts hacked

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Church accounts hacked


Post by russellhltn »

From the church newsroom: Statement and FAQ on Church Account Data Incident.
In late March 2022, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints detected unauthorized activity in certain computer systems that affected personal data of some Church members, employees, contractors, and friends. The affected data did not include donation history or any banking information associated with online donations.

Since that time, we have been working with U.S. federal law enforcement authorities and third-party cybersecurity experts to establish the origin, nature, and scope of this incident and to mitigate possible impacts. Law enforcement authorities believe the risk that the information will be used to harm individuals is low and our monitoring efforts have not identified any attempts of harmful use.

At the request of these law enforcement authorities, we have not shared information about the incident as they have conducted their investigation until October 12, 2022.

We are now notifying those who may have been impacted, even where this is not legally required. Anyone with questions about the security of their information can learn more by referencing the frequently asked questions below.

Protecting the confidential information of our members, employees, contractors, and friends is critical. We continue to do all we can to ensure such information is safeguarded.
More information can be found in the link above.

At least two moderators have found that gmail routed the email to the spam folder.
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Re: Church accounts hacked


Post by munaish »

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