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Suggestion: meetinghouse locator list executive secretary contact info instead of bishop

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 8:42 am
by palarsen
The Church recently updated the Handbook to include the following language: “When Church employees and volunteers need to contact stake presidents and bishops, they direct communications to the leader’s executive secretary unless the matter is very urgent or confidential” (38.8.9).

In a recent Bishop's Council in our stake, we discussed this guidance along with other ideas for reducing the burden on bishops. One of the bishops mentioned that he sometimes gets calls from people visiting the area or moving to the area, and it seems that these calls could easily be handled by someone else, like an executive secretary, bishopric counselor, Relief Society President, or EQ President. Most likely the call is directed to the bishop because it is the bishop's contact info that is displayed in the "Meetinghouse Locator" tool.

As the Church continues to seek ways to alleviate the burden on bishops, I would suggest that the "Meetinghouse Locator" tool list the contact information of someone besides the bishop.

Paul Larsen
Indianapolis, Indiana North Stake Clerk

Re: Suggestion: meetinghouse locator list executive secretary contact info instead of bishop

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 11:49 am
by russellhltn
Sounds like a good idea. However, the decision makers don't visit this forum. I'd suggest you either use the "feedback" link at the bottom of the page to submit your idea, and/or ask the stake president to bring it up in his coordinating council. Those are both routes to get to the ones with the authority to authorize the changes.

The one problem limiting the usefulness is that it would also require retraining the membership. So many times they automatically want to "go to the top" when they have a question.

Re: Suggestion: meetinghouse locator list executive secretary contact info instead of bishop

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 8:32 am
by palarsen
Thank you for the feedback! I submitted the idea through "Feedback" link and will bring up with the stake president to discuss at coordinating council.

Re: Suggestion: meetinghouse locator list executive secretary contact info instead of bishop

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:31 am
by fdiamond3t
Is there any way to get in touch with executive secretary for claypool/Miami ward in Globe Arizona?

Thank you Terry Medell
email is [email removed]
Or phone number is [phone # removed]

Re: Suggestion: meetinghouse locator list executive secretary contact info instead of bishop

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:47 pm
by jdlessley
If you are a bishop or ward clerk you can find that information in the Church Directory of Organizations and Leaders (CDOL) online. There is a link in the LCR Applications menu. For all others that contact information is not available. The Meetinghouse Locator app provides messaging to a unit's bishop. You could send a message to him asking him to have the executive secretary contact you.