Chromecast, NoSplash, firewall filters

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Chromecast, NoSplash, firewall filters


Post by sjwelling »

I'm the STS and we're trying to get a 3rd generation Chromecast (manufactured in November 2021) working with a TV. I have connected the Chromecast to the Liahona network, used the CNM (Church Network Manager) to point it at the NoSplash Group Policy, but it's still being blocked from being able to download updates or function at all. The network is using the "Managed" filter type which is the least restrictive of the three options available. I assume some Chromecast-relates sites are still blocked because when I serve a WiFi hotspot off of my phone and connect the Chromecast to it, it functions perfectly. According to ... s?lang=eng, "If leaders routinely receive feedback to block or unblock a website or app, a filtering policy change request can be made by clicking Filter Request.". Well, that link from CNM is not helpful because as the Stake Technology Specialist I don't have the rights necessary to submit a Filter Request.

Has anyone else got a Chromecast working in the last couple of months? Does anyone know what authority requirements are necessary to submit a Filter Request?
2022-05-30 Chromecast, Stake Pres Office TV, network blocked.jpg
2022-05-31 Manger Filter for Chromecast.png
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Re: Chromecast, NoSplash, firewall filters


Post by russellhltn »

I don't think it's rights problem in submitting a request - I'm getting a cute 404 error. (A game of breakout, anyone?)

At the moment, I'd suggest either using the feedback link at the bottom of the page, or sending an email to mht.

I wonder if the device is using Google's DNS. All DNS requests other than the network supplied one are blocked - and I don't see that changing. That's a key part of the filtering system. Is there a manual mode setup for the device?
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Re: Chromecast, NoSplash, firewall filters


Post by sjwelling »

russellhltn wrote: Tue May 31, 2022 12:05 pm I wonder if the device is using Google's DNS. All DNS requests other than the network supplied one are blocked - and I don't see that changing. That's a key part of the filtering system. Is there a manual mode setup for the device?
russellhltn, it appears that Chromecasts are hard-coded with Google DNS (, to help enforce geo restrictions on content that is cast, at least according to ... oogle-dns/. As you hinted, it's likely that the Liahona network filtering is DNS-based. I have submitted an email to to see about getting access to that "Filter Request" form and then see where it goes from there.
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Re: Chromecast, NoSplash, firewall filters


Post by russellhltn »

sjwelling wrote: Tue May 31, 2022 12:38 pm it appears that Chromecasts are hard-coded with Google DNS (, to help enforce geo restrictions on content that is cast, at least according to ... oogle-dns/.
The same article suggests that if the DNS is blocked, it will use the network one. But that doesn't seem to be happening. Either that or the first site it tries to go to is blocked by the filter policy.

If you can figure out what site it's trying to go to would probably help get the exception going faster. Opening up the network to other DNS is likely a non-starter.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Chromecast, NoSplash, firewall filters


Post by sjwelling »

russellhltn wrote: Tue May 31, 2022 1:28 pm If you can figure out what site it's trying to go to would probably help get the exception going faster. Opening up the network to other DNS is likely a non-starter.
Do you have any recommendations about how to figure out what site(s) the Chromecast is trying to go to? Something like Wireshark (although I have zero experience with such tools)? Or is there a way to get the filter (disallow) list from Liahona?
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Re: Chromecast, NoSplash, firewall filters


Post by russellhltn »

Wireshark would be my starting point. I downloaded it once and found it overwhelming. I'm not 100% sure how well it would work in this situation. The device running wireshark has to be able to see the traffic. A computer nearby on the same AP might work. But I don't have any experience in that.

It might be easier to search or ask in the Chromecast specific forum how the newer units work.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Chromecast, NoSplash, firewall filters


Post by russellhltn »

Not sure if it helps, but I found an interesting article: How to use Chromecast without Wi-Fi.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Chromecast, NoSplash, firewall filters


Post by sjwelling »

Update: We have given up due to difficulties working with the Liahona network and lack of useful/helpful/punctual responses from MHT.
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Re: Chromecast, NoSplash, firewall filters


Post by kent.smith »

Dont give up yet! Let Bro Smith chime in! I have some options and happy to share what we are doing! MHT probably is not helping because they don't know.

Our buildings LG TVs (and TCL-Rokus) which are compatible with Airplay and Miracast(read up on them). One of the LG required a hard firmware upgrade via USB as it refused to upgrade via WIFI. They stream flawlessly with Computer, MAC,(wireless monitor) Iphone(screen mirror), but Android/Google seem to be fighting as you have to use a 3rd party app. For our non-LG TVs, I have been working with this $25 Roku and so far so good!. Even recently used them for a stake fireside connected to a projector to watch a pre-recoded message from our mission prep teachers who was out of town. Our stake president attached his IPAD though mirroring and shared as well as shared some photos for the fireside..
Long story short, you have to setup Liahona for nosplash for the Roku/TV, then the device trying to connect also has to be on Liahona with agreed disclaimer and BOOM, it works great! We even had a youth activity talent show, and one of our leaders just wirelesses shared one of the from the back of the room. It was great.
There are a few competing streaming solutions. 1-Airplay, 2-Miracast, 3-Chromecast. Roku seems to be most compatible and seems to just work.

There are some features to deactivate and activate on ROKU, like requesting 4 digit codes, and not disconnecting if the content is not active. I am still learning best settings there.

I personally use Samsung at home. One is about 4 years old and does not support miracast, so I Roku'd it. My new Samsung (6 months) uses Mira, and it is capable of powering on, and switching inputs to whichever remote device is attaching. Kinda cool as I can take over the TV from my kids playing video games
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