Stake Auxiliary Leadership Youth Visibility

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Stake Auxiliary Leadership Youth Visibility


Post by jimlaudie »

Hi there, not seeing a post on this but sorry if I'm doubling something up that has gotten chatter on here. We've got stake YW and YM presidencies who'd like to see youth in the stake in the directory and on Member Tools. I'm hearing that they don't have that visibility currently. Is that something that is coming? Or something we can request?
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Re: Stake Auxiliary Leadership Youth Visibility


Post by russellhltn »

Youi might refer them to this question in the LCR FAQS:
Why do stake and auxiliary leaders and high councilors have only limited access to LCR?
Stake auxiliary leaders and high councilors are primarily responsible to instruct and support ward auxiliary and Melchizedek Priesthood leaders. They orient newly called ward auxiliary and Melchizedek Priesthood leaders and provide encouragement, support, and instruction. They are not responsible for individual ward members. It is the ward clerk’s responsibility to train ward auxiliary and Melchizedek Priesthood leaders on record-keeping tools and responsibilities. If stake auxiliary leaders and high councilors need a list of members for planning purposes, they should request this information through the ward or stake clerk.
As far as I know, that's still current. If they don't have it in LCR, it's not going to be in Member Tools.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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