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Zoom account won’t create

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 9:13 am
by davidbowmanbyu
I have a specific ward license that won’t activate. We have made sure for 60+ days now their is no other paid subscription associated with that email. I have submitted it anyway 3 times. Despite the error it will “accept it” and says awaiting church review it will stay that way for a week and then go blank.

I have called the GSC and they just give me the generic email on the meet page to email . I’ve also emailed that one 3 times.

I have been trying for months to fix this wards account but have had NO luck or responses.

How do I find someone that can actually help me fix this ?

David Bowman
Kaysville Utah Central Stake
Stake Technology Specalist

Re: Zoom account won’t create

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:45 am
by russellhltn
You've already tried the ways suggested.

I'm guessing that the tech people may all be tasked with fixing the church's webpage issue and not have much time for things that affect only one ward.

All I can suggest is call GSC back and tell them you have emailed with no response. See if they can escalate the issue.