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Use of clerk computer for streaming device?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:29 pm
by rl_albright
Went into a location to fix a portion of their sound system for zoom, as I do frequently these days. And noticed something peculiar. This building was connecting to the AV cabinet using a small computer from the Church that had a clerk's office load on it. The OS load was not mistakable it was definitely a clerk office load on that computer.
The question I have is there is no way that this computer is being utilized for the purpose it was brought into the building for, and now the church is on the hook for an additional Windows License and software that is meant for a Clerk's office. Is this an authorized use of that type of computer?

Re: Use of clerk computer for streaming device?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:37 pm
by russellhltn
As far as licensing, as long as it's "Pro", it probably follows the machine. I don't think the church pays for it

The next question, is it a "current" clerk's machine, or is it a retired machine?

Assuming it's a retired machine, it's up to FM to ask for the old one back.

Re: Use of clerk computer for streaming device?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:00 pm
by russellhltn
As for policy, any policy would be created by Meetinghouse Facilities Department (MFD) and passed on to the facilities management group (FMG). However, I've never found where the policy could be accessed by anyone outside of FMG.

This has created a few incidents here were we can't tell if it's policy, or something arbitrary that FM has come up with.

Re: Use of clerk computer for streaming device?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:03 pm
by rl_albright
Well that can be a double edge sword. Recently this same Church FM required that I send all old retired computers into Church HQ for recycling, but now I see this that he (I assume) is doing. (Insert rolling eyes here.)