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Child Protection Compliance System Website Down

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:12 pm
by sgeorgi
Hello, no member of our Bishopric has been able to access the Pennsylvania Child Protection Compliance System for the past several days. It says that access is denied. I'm not sure who to contact about this to determine how to resolve it.

Re: Child Protection Compliance System Website Down

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:45 pm
by rmrichesjr
Your stake clerk might be able to help rule out any records problems. The Global Service Department is probably the best group to contact after checking with the stake clerk.

Re: Child Protection Compliance System Website Down

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:24 pm
by russellhltn
Just making sure: you are talking about the church-run website used for tracking legal compliance and not a website run by the state of Pennsylvania, correct?

In the case of a church-run website, rmrichesjr's advise above is correct. It appears you've just been sustained, so the change may still be syncing though the system. But assumeing the rest of the bishopric didn't change this past Sunday and CDOL is current, then records shouldn't be an issue for them.

Re: Child Protection Compliance System Website Down

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:47 pm
by sgeorgi
Yes, it's the church-run website. I was previously Second Counselor, and was just sustained as First Counselor. However, the Bishop did not change and he has had problems this week. I reached out to the Stake Clerk and he said that he no longer has access either, so apparently it's a larger issue.

Re: Child Protection Compliance System Website Down

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:55 am
by jonesrk
There were some issues with the system for Pennsylvania. The main developer is on vacation but I believe we have fixed it. Let us know (either here or through the GSD) if you are still seeing issues.