
Discussions about Internet service providers (ISPs), the Meetinghouse Firewall, wired and wireless networking, usage, management, and support of Meetinghouse Internet
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Location: Denver, Colorado



Post by RyanGard1977 »

Hi- Is the use of Zoom approved by the church, meaning the firewall will allow that traffic to pass? I realize some sites are blocked by the church and I know of a situation where a Stake had to bypass the firewall for a single connection to the chapel in order to utilize casting to youtube for sacrament meeting due to very low available internet speeds at that building where youtube was the only application that would support the low upload speed available. (less than .5M upload and 5M download even with everything else turned off)

We have other issues that the FM Group and Stake Tech team are trying to take care of due to a lightning strike to the building and new equipment being installed, but we've always seemed to have issues with Zoom at this specific building. Good speeds at this building, 150M Down, almost 10 up, so that is not an issue.

I welcome your thoughts

Thank you
Ryan Gardner
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Re: Zoom


Post by russellhltn »

Since the church is handing out Zoom accounts to the wards, yes, it's approved.

Have you tried disabling the WiFi in the building so the congregation's collection of devices isn't competing for bandwidth?
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
Posts: 122
Joined: Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:26 pm
Location: Denver, Colorado

Re: Zoom


Post by RyanGard1977 »

Thank you for the info, Russell. Yes they do log in and disable the wifi during the Zoom meeting and only have the hard lines to the clerk's offices active. I just found out this morning that the building and wards in question will be utilizing a wireless hotspot for the next several weeks to take care of the sacrament meeting broadcast and that they anticipate being able to do away with the broadcast in the next month or so as the members who have been home bound are doing better and looking to return to in-person meetings. So this is great news. Thank you for answering my question about Zoom!
Ryan Gardner
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