Can a switch be used for a computer and a network printer

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Can a switch be used for a computer and a network printer


Post by Halversenfamily »

Information: in the stake clerk's office there is only one network line coming into that office. It is currently connected up to the stake computer. To stake president wants to put the printer on the network for the Bishops to be able to print to it. It has Network connector on the printer, but again there's only one network line coming into that office. Would a network switch work for that set up? Or do I need to try and get a router? As I remember, you could plug the printer and the computer into the switch, and plug the line in from the building on one of the other ports of the switch and it should work. Any thoughts that you may have on the subject would be appreciated. Thank you
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Re: Can a switch be used for a computer and a network printer


Post by russellhltn »

It should work.
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Re: Can a switch be used for a computer and a network printer


Post by Mikerowaved »

I would recommend getting your stake technology specialist involved. He has access to tools that can help with putting printers on the local network.
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