Post Satelite-era Broadcast in Stake Centers

Discussions around receiving conferences and broadcasts for the meetinghouse via Internet.
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Post Satelite-era Broadcast in Stake Centers


Post by theferrell »

Hello, first post in the forum. We just had our sateliete system taken out and I'm wondering if anyone knows what the church is planning on doing to replace it in terms of tech at meetinghouses? I might have missed the boat on a previous announcement on this, but I've looked over posts and seen things about "requesting streaming devices".... has anyone done this and can confirm what "device" it is?

I have to set up both english and spanish broadcasts in my local stake center so I'd need to have two separate devices if this the case.

Anybody have experience with this?
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Re: Post Satelite-era Broadcast in Stake Centers


Post by russellhltn »

I'm not sure what the plan is, but you're not getting it in time for this weekend.

I think your best plan is a computer streaming the YouTube General Conference channel. There's a video that's a live stream of the whole day.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Post Satelite-era Broadcast in Stake Centers


Post by mhsmith19 »

We have purchased Firestick Lite devices for each unit in the stake and stream from the internet. There are several channels to use, but we stream from the church web site. You need to pay attention to your network speeds to ensure no buffering occurs.

For buildings that require multiple languages, we plug a Firestick into a projector and project onto a screen in the chapel for the language where the audience will be largest. We plug a second Firestick into a TV in a second room for the alternate language audience.

If your bandwidth will support both broadcasts (I believe the recommendation is 15 mbps per language), you should be able to be set up for Saturday.
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Re: Post Satellite-era Broadcast in Stake Centers


Post by lajackson »

theferrell wrote: We just had our satellite system taken out and I'm wondering if anyone knows what the church is planning on doing to replace it in terms of tech at meetinghouses?
Nothing. I was told by a reliable source that the church is no longer planning to do anything to replace satellite receiving capability.

As you noted, at one time there was discussion about making a simple receiving device available that could snag a URL and feed it to the building. I understand that this plan is no longer being considered.

And yes, you would need a separate device for each language you wish to view.
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