New Meetinghouses with Mounted TV in RS/Primary rooms

Discussions about using TVs, projectors, laptops, tablets, smartphones, DVD Players and other media players in meetinghouses including standards, management, how to connect to them, proper use, and support.
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New Meetinghouses with Mounted TV in RS/Primary rooms


Post by bphilli7 »


I was wondering about the new church building plans, that have TVs mounted in the RS rooms.

Our stake president asked FM to install TVs into our two older buildings. FM hired some electricians to come and hang a Samsung SMART TV on the wall. And that's all they did.

The stake president is less than impressed with the workmanship. He was hoping they would put a panel on the wall or something other than an HDMI cable hanging down from behind the TV. He has asked me to look into it and suggest upgrades that could be paid for out of stake funds (instead of FM) that will make it more user friendly/clean looking.

I would like to stick with standard plans the church is doing, to the extent possible. Hoping someone out there in a newer building can shed some light for me on what the church installed into the building for this technology.
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Re: New Meetinghouses with Mounted TV in RS/Primary rooms


Post by russellhltn »

bphilli7 wrote:an HDMI cable hanging down from behind the TV.
I know you're looking for a long-term solution, but even in the short term I'd be sure to add a strain relief to that. I've got TVs mounted on carts that have had their HDMI port ripped out. Not sure how it happened, maybe someone tripped on the cable.

It doesn't have to be fancy. Just tie wrap the cable to something structural so any pull will be on that and not the port.
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Re: New Meetinghouses with Mounted TV in RS/Primary rooms


Post by bphilli7 »

very good point... I'll be sure to zip tie the cable to the metal bracket or something.
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Re: New Meetinghouses with Mounted TV in RS/Primary rooms


Post by soverson »

I realize this is an older thread. We just received notice from the FM Group for TV installs in our RS buildings.

The FM Group realize TV placement may require or prefer a new outlet. They indicated there is a child work order attached to TV install for an electrician to add an outlet if desired.
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Re: New Meetinghouses with Mounted TV in RS/Primary rooms


Post by BrianEdwards »

They indicated there is a child work order attached to TV install for an electrician to add an outlet if desired.
soverson, thanks for the update to this thread! The O.P. seems to describe exactly our local situation, where the FM group (or contractors) simply hung the TV on the wall with no additional work done. From what we have been told (or not told), we have no idea if our FM Group realizes a new outlet is definitely required. Perhaps there's already a child work order for us (nothing appears in FIR), but that's what we're currently looking into. We may end up having to implement our own solution for HDMI and other cables hanging down from the TV, but perhaps if the FM Group resolves the outlet, we can also request they provide a solution for physically connection the TV to devices. TBD...
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Re: New Meetinghouses with Mounted TV in RS/Primary rooms


Post by russellhltn »

BrianEdwards wrote: Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:18 pm We may end up having to implement our own solution for HDMI and other cables hanging down from the TV
If you do, make sure you work out strain relief. I've seen HDMI connectors ripped right out of library TVs.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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