Church provided broadcast equipment

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Church provided broadcast equipment


Post by jviola »

I have read different post stating that their buildings were upgraded with a new video/audio system and some additional equipment for stake broadcast.

Can anyone speak to this? What is the criteria to get your building upgraded? Also, I’ve been told that the church has settled on hdbaseT equipment?

We have a building that is approximately 25 to 30 years old. We have been using CBVS cameras and very low quality output. Two out of three cameras have stopped working. We are about to purchase new equipment but want to know if the church is upgrading the video/audio systems. Also, have they settled on hdbaseT? I don’t want to purchase equipment only to find out a y at it so down the road the equipment is not compatible with the church equipment.

Can anyone provide insight on this?

Thank you.
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Re: Church provided broadcast equipment


Post by russellhltn »

You need to talk to the FM group on what their plans are. There probably is a plan for a technology refresh, but it's probably based on when the last one was done. However, with satellite systems largely going away, I'm not sure if the plans have changed.

Whatever happens is going to happen though your local FM group.
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Re: Church provided broadcast equipment


Post by nmanwaring »

We are looking for info on replacing our existing video equipment with something newer and clearer. This is what I got from my FM group:
"Please go on line at LDS Clerk or Tech and they can direct you as to the type of equipment that is authorized with the most current updates."
Has anyone had luck upgrading video cameras and camera controllers?
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