Moving clerk computers around the building.

Discussions around the setup, operation, replacement, and disposal of clerk computers, not to include using MLS
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Moving clerk computers around the building.


Post by jesuisnicolas »

Hi! I'm the Technology Specialist for my District. Next month my branch will return to in-person meetings with Youtube transmissions for those who can't attend (and also to comply with the capacity limitations by the government). Here's the thing, during the pandemic leaders have been moving the clerk computers around the district center (I.E. the District President takes the computer to his office to do a zoom call, one of the Branch Presidents takes the computer to the classroom for the Sunday School class, etc.) and I don't feel comfortable with it, but I don't know if there's any "official" word about computers having to be kept in the clerk office.

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Re: Moving clerk computers around the building.


Post by russellhltn »

Looking over General Handbook 38.8.10, I see:
The stake president oversees the placement and use of computers in the stake.

Computers should be placed so members of the bishopric and clerks can process members’ weekly contributions in privacy.
There are other policies found in the Meetinghouse Technology Policy

I'm not seeing anything prohibiting it, but the clerk does have priority use. But since a clerk should be attending his meetings, that's not going to prevent it's use in the classroom. (Unless the computer is shared with multiple units.)
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Re: Moving clerk computers around the building.


Post by sbradshaw »

A precaution you could take is to make sure it's not left logged in and unattended – for example, dropping off the computer at the Sunday School class is more of a risk than having a clerk or member of the branch presidency bring it to the Sunday School class, staying there the whole time, and bringing it back when it's done.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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